The Vagabonds - the story of A Most Peculiar Family (Part II/II)

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)

To read Part I: click these green words

This is the story of 8 Vagabonds - characters that I painted, and then were given by you (yes, you, Steemians!) a unique name, as well as a random adjective, profession and origin, thus creating a wild, wonderful and crazy game and story!

First comes the second and final part of the story. To see how you can interact with it - the silly game which anybody can play: read the rules below the story. And if you read some strange and possibly out-of-context adjectives in bold, it's because they were randomly replaced by the players of the game. Which is the whole point of the game, so let's have some fun!

My name is Salt and I'm a Vagabond.

As you may or may not have read, I was stuck in Liechtenstein, Googlyeyed and homeless.
And Addicted, yeah.

As I sat solemnly by Liechtensteins Most Playful lake, Zee Klitzeklein, I was approached by this Frasmotic fella, who introduced himself as Lucius:

"Hallo, iz anyzhing ze matter, mein freund?"

So I told him my long story, basically what you could read in the first part and he silently listened, plucking his odd beard.

When I was finished, he spoke: "I know of zhis woman who has cursed you, young boy. In Ultimate Liechenstein, evrybozy knovs eachother. I am her Dirty advizor. And she haz done a Queer jub vitz her curse." And with that, Lucius started to groom my beard, shouting unexplicable and twisted words. Or he just spoke in Componctuous Liechtensteinian - it is a weird language.

When he was finished, he said: "Zhere. Zhe curse is removed. I vill resign from giving zhat woman Shallow advize, she doesn't liszen to me anyvay. Go zu zhis adzress, zhere you vill find mein freund Ulganor, I have groomed hiz goatee zu lift a curse as well. And now, I muzt go back to Insectoid mazzers. Ahh.. I must Daydream now."

With that, Lucius fell in a Queer, Rambunctious coma and I was off to see Ulganor, at Luftballon-Straße nr. 99:

On his door hung a little note: "I'm back to the Frasmotic future. For Erotic matters: ask Victoria next door. Milk: 6 large bottles, on Friday, please."

Victoria... Victoria... I liked the Lunatic sound of her name already, a sublime scent of blue crocus appeared from out of nowhere, as well as did she appear, Victoria:

-"I'm Victoria, the Helpful Apparition. Can I help you?"
-"Ulganor... Lucius... Curse...", I mumbled, dazzled by this Playful vision.
-"I understand", she said, "You look like you need closure."
-"I do?" I asked.
-"Yes, you see, it is no coincidence that you are here. The Dirty stories your mother told you set you off on this odyssey and now you are home."
-"I am?"
-"Yes, for my bride-to-be..."
-"Wait, I'm going to be your bride!?"
-"...Don't interrupt me, kiddo. For my bride-to-be is Ayn Rant. And she is your second mother."

I was speechless.

-"I have another mother!?"
-"Yes, there she is just now. My lovely finacée, Ayn Rant"

"Salt!? 's That you? Finally, where ya been all this time!?" she shouted with an unnerving voice.
"Hi... Mom?"
"Dontcha 'Hi, Mom', me, young man! Now, 'nough with the stupid Vagabonding, ya hear me? Clumsy Mabel probably did a Drunk job raising ya! Put a kettle on the fire! Peel the potatoes! Onions! Radishes! Quickly! C'mon, ya lazy Globetrotter, we got work to do!"

So that's how I met my Rambonctiuos mother, my obnoxious, ruthless and selfish mother...

I did the Vagabond-thing to do.

I ran as quickly, and as far away, as possible.


Now for the game!

In this story I counted 42 adjectives. You can replace these with other, random adjectives from my huge list, to see what weird adjustments are made to the story. Anybody can comment up to three pairs of numbers, each time between 1 and 42. I will look them up and replace them in a reply to your comment, as well as update the text with the new adjectives in bold.

E.g. your comment could be

which will replace adjective 7 with new adjective 11, replace adjective 9 in the text with new adjective 9, and 'current' nr. 11 with 'new' nr. 22.

The story would change accordingly:
Original: So I told him my long story, basically what you could read in the first part and he silently listened, plucking his odd beard.
Replaced: So I told him my Incomprehensible story, basically what you could read in the Quirky part and he silently listened, plucking his Tantalizing beard.

This could become a strange, fascinating, and possibly nutty story!

And no need to guess the numbers of the adjectives - I've randomized everything. Let's have fun and see your numbers in the comments :)

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"I did the Vagabond-thing to do.
I ran as quickly, and as far away, as possible."
You're creating a new adjective out of this vagabond thing haha

Let's see if the primes hold their magic here too:

Hehe, I may use that in a second series :)

Primes, that's a new angle, here goes:

...As you may or may not have read, I was stuck in Liechtenstein, broke and homeless.
And Addicted, yeah... (23-37)
...Clumsy Mabel probably did a Drunk job raising ya..! (31-29)
...As you may or may not have read, I was stuck in Liechtenstein, Googlyeyed and homeless... (41-19)

Hah, it happened #googlyeyes!

It'll be like some kind of verbal 'mise en abime' (sorry I don't know the english word for that...) if you do put it in as an adjective - the vagabond within the vagabond....

Haha that sequence works well despite the repetitions. Maybe throwing them all together can solve something :p

"...As you may or may not have read, I was stuck in Liechtenstein, Googlyeyed, broke and homeless.
And Drunk and Addicted, yeah..."

Sounds like a night out in town! ;)

Going to look that up, mise en abime, French technically is my second language :)

Sounds like a night out in town! ;)

And nobody even got the adjective Stoned yet :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hahaha didn't know that one was in there too!! Got quite a few favourites to fish for now :D

mise en abime: it's a story in a story, or characters seeing themselves externally. Kinda like what they did in the movies Paprika or Inception.
Or kinda like two countries in one maybe? ;p

I don't know Paprika, but I see what you mean! It's coming in Vagabonds II at some point!

Yes! I'm back to having a value to my upvote! :) Ok it's just back to $0.01, but it's better than nothing ^^

Paprika's an awesome movie if you're the kind of person who can sit through anime. Not everyone's cup of tea, but this one is really trippy and has much more depth to it than inception (and they don't need to resort to doing a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream and so on to be interesting)

Ouch.. Anime..

I'll check it out nevertheless, weird stories messing with reality are worth sitting through anime! ;)

was about time :P

he... 1st of all... I had to re-read part one with all the shuffeled adjectives:

ever since I was a Fabulous toddler

that's lyrical gold right there :P. And for today... 42... very good, let's go:

  • 3-5,
  • 8-13,
  • 21-34

hehe... a nice 2nd part... my personal highlight today was of course Lucius... we all (are able to) know why.

I muzt go back to importzant mazzers. Ahh.. I must Daydream now.

This guy knows what's up :P

Hehe, yeah, some combinations are really good. I though part I was okay, but I tried to spice it up a bit for part II, let's see what we got!

...The Dirty stories your mother told you set you off on this odyssey... (3-5)
...So that's how I met my Componctuous mother, my obnoxious, ruthless and selfish mother... (8-13)
...And now, I muzt go back to Insectoid mazzers. Ahh.. I must Daydream now... (21-34)

Can't believe you nailed that last one! :D

Ummmm... I don't even know what "Componctuous" means!

  • compunctuous
    compunctious (comparative more compunctious, superlative most compunctious)

Exhibiting compunctions, scruples, feelings of guilt.

hmmm... I guess that kinda works maybe :P let's see what we get in the end right ;)

and damn yes I nailed the last one... LOL

It's an inside joke from Blackadder - he congratulates the maker of the first dictionary by telling him he feels Frasmotic, Anaspeptic, even Componctuous about his new dictionary :P

All three have found their way in the story. Btw, check out @pv-p's results!

yeah... i just saw it... noice!

Very interesting, and I will Back play, what about:

Here goes:
...On his door hung a little note: "I'm back to the Frasmotic future... (11-12)
...Victoria... Victoria... I liked the Yummy sound of her name already... (7-30
...As you may or may not have read, I was stuck in Liechtenstein, broke and homeless.
And Anaspeptic, yeah.(23-11)

Let's try:

1 - 39
26 - 7

Thanks for the game :)

...I vill resign from giving zhat woman Ludicrous advize, she doesn't liszen to me anyvay... (1-39)
...With that, Lucius fell in a Queer self-induced coma...(26-7)
...As I sat solemnly by Liechtensteins Most Playfull lake, Zee Klitzeklein,... (5-1)

Glad to see you playing! :)

curious if not trying

Gotta try it, thanks :)
Here you go:

...In Ultimate Liechenstein, evrybozy knovs eachother...(6-10)
...So that's how I met my Rambunctious mother, my obnoxious, ruthless and selfish mother... (8-8)
...Victoria... Victoria... I liked the Lunatic sound of her name already... (7-14)

I will try to guess again

Thank you!

...And she haz done a Queer jub vitz her curse... (2-7)
...In Anaspeptic Liechenstein, evrybozy knovs eachother... (6-11)
...I am her Dirtzy advizor.... (12-5)

milk treading gif

Here ya go @steemkitten, feline is in the list of random adjectives, btw :)

cuddle attack 2 gif

Never saw that one before, nice!

For real?! And she only has 4 unique cuddle GIFs...

I'm actually surprised people aren't complaining about her repetitiveness, yet.

I think I've only seen the first GIF so far. Should it be random between the 4?

yeah... and she uses different ones to beg...

the whole idea with the art contest was to be able to spice it up a bit... but yeah... artists... well... you know it maybe... I'd guess you can tell a tale or two about sudden cliffhangers in productivity, too :P

Guilty as charged... :-/

What Happened to:

...I was approached by this Frasmotic fella, who introduced himself as Lucius (24-12)
...-"Ulganor... Lucius... Curse...", I mumbled, dazzled by this Playful vision... (10-1)
...For Erotic matters: ask Victoria next door.... (15-17)


I will try to guess it.

There no winners in this game (or everybody's one), so whatever you guess: it's right!

...With that, Lucius fell in a Queer Rambunctious coma and I was off to see Ulganor...(27-8)
... Or he just spoke in Componctuous Liechtensteinian...(4-13)
...I vill resign from giving zhat woman Shallow advize...(1-9)

This is so great, the story , the names by fellow Stemmians and the artwork. I love how ethereal and dreamlike they are. And the palette is so dreamy.

Thank you @donnadavisart! I love painting these, and the interaction here on steemit makes for an unexpected story. Feel free to play the numbers game (described below the story), it's still running :)

Keren karya tulis tgk isra Ini sudah saya follow tgk ya.