If You Love Colors and Patterns!!

in art •  8 years ago  (edited)

If you love colors and patterns, then this post is for you. Enjoy the colors..........






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Very nice! How do you do those?

Thanks for the appreciation dear brother. I use paint.net to produce these. Paint.net is an open source photo editing and paint program. I use it a lot to create math worksheets and cosmic bodies for my science lessons. Meanwhile I leaned to draw these mandalas using it.

Binny and Pav are excellent on paint.net, I gave a project to Binny to learn paint.net this summer break and she finished it. The project was to draw a 3D tire with rim using paint.net video tutorials. She posted it on steemit;


Compliments to Binny...that's fabulous! Compliments to you too for giving her a nice project with which she had fun and learned!

Complements to Big Brother for motivating me and my family in the right direction!

So shiny. Very Nice.

Thanks for the appreciation dear brother.

Reminds me of the Flower Power of the 60's lol.

It does resemble!

It's a good color creation @mathworksheets
Nice of it can be applied for an umbrella.

Thanks a lot for stopping by, @cryptopie. Yes, any of these will make very good colorful umbrella.

wow awesome..
Thanks @mathworksheets

Thanks for stopping by @dinsha :))

I like the colors and patterns, it somehow defines beauty in rhythmic order.

Absolutely @arnel. Thanks for stopping by.