Love & Time. Still .08 - Digital Art

in art •  7 years ago 

Mattr_Love&Time_TopDownOcean_WhiteBall (0-01-08-09).jpg

Continuing the exploration of CG art and prose from an upcoming motion graphics experiment.

This still is built and animated in 3dsmax using Phoenix FD as the particle system and rendered using Vray. This still utilises the Phoenix FD 'ocean' script, the abstration of something very clean and graphic set against the realism of the water works well stylistically. Background and text added in After Effects

The full prose is here:

She stood outside the
party and knew she
no longer had it.

She smiled when
she left, but then
she cried planets.

Love is delicate
and violent.
Love is a crime:

You only ever
lose it when it hasn't
been refined.

JP Watson

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