Padang Montain, The Megalithic Heritage Sites - Gunung Padang, Situs Peninggalan megalitikum | ENG-IND |

in art •  8 years ago  (edited)

Padang Montain is a cultural relic site is the megalith. This tourist attraction is also recorded as the oldest historical sights of human civilization. The destination was said harbored many mysteries that has still not revealed all it. It destination located in the hamlet of Mountain Pasture, village Karyamukti, district Cempaka,Cianjur, West Java province.

The megalithic site of the lively discussed all over of the world located on a hilltop which has an altitude of 885 m from the surface of the sea. Located in the hills, of course its very cool as well as a panoramic view of the beautiful green natural.

It was formerly the site of a mountain meadow is a place for meditation as well as a place to do the worship. This megalithic culture sites composed of five terrace, each terrace is connected by a stone staircase.

The existence of the stone stairs are very useful for visitors who want to enjoy nature from the top of the mountain site Cianjur field. For your information, from the top of the site of the mountain pastures, We can see the exotic charm of Mount Pangrango.

The site of the Padang Montain can be one of your destinations When the holidays arrive, because of the original attractions of West Java have the characteristic, one is the presence of a unique range of rocks form and interesting, which surely will amaze you.

***Bahasa Indonesia***

Gunung Padang adalah situs peninggalan kebudayaan megalitikum, objek wisata ini juga tercatat sebagai tempat wisata sejarah tertua peradaban manusia. Destinasi yang konon katanya memendam berbagai misteri yang masih belum terkuak semuanya ini, erletak di Dusun Gunung Padang, Desa Karyamukti, Kecamatan Cempaka, Cianjur, Provinsi Jawa Barat.

Situs megalitikum yang ramai diperbincangkan di sekuruh penjuru dunia ini berada di puncak bukit yang memiliki ketinggian 885 m dari permukaan laut. Terletak di kawasan perbukitan, tentu udaranya sangat sejuk serta panorama alamnya yang hijau nan asri.

Konon, dulunya situs gunung padang adalah tempat untuk bertapa serta sebagai tempat untuk melakukan pemujaan. Situs kebudayaan megalitikum ini terdiri dari lima tingkatan (teras), setiap teras dihubungkan oleh tangga batu.

Keberadaan tangga batui tersebut sangat berguna bagi pengunjung yang ingin menikmati alam Cianjur dari puncak situs Gunung Padang ini. Sebagai informasi, dari puncak situs gunung padang ini, kita dapat melihat elok dan gagahnya pesona Gunung Pangrango

Situs gunung padang bisa menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata anda ketika liburan tiba, karena objek wisata asal jawa barat memiliki ciiri khas, salah satunya adalah hadirnya ragam bentuk bebatuan yang unik dan menarik, yang pastinya akan memukau anda.

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This was very cool to read!! So far I've only seen Bali of all of Indonesia, so I have an entire country that I want to explore. Do you have any recommendations for someone who is new to Indonesia? Do you like Jakarta?

thanks for reading my blog @naomibowler .

Indonesia isn't only Bali, there are many beautiful and historical place that should be your destination.

bagus dex lon votes saboh beh, ting heheh..