What is art? Do we need it and does originality surpass quality?

in art •  8 years ago  (edited)

What is the meaning of art? Where does it come from? Why do we make it, do we really need it? And what exactly is the definition of art?

Edvard Munchs, Dagen derpå

According to Wikipedia.org art is;

"A diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the authors imaginative or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power."

In 2014 etched shells were found made by homo erectus that walked this earth between 430.000 - 540.000 years ago that is believed to be the earliest sign of our ancestors creating art. How cool is that? Clearly it is something quite profound and ingrained in us as human beings to create just for the sake of being creative and to surround ourself with beauty.
Through all time art has been used to tell stories, to leave a mark for future generations and to enhance our surroundings.

Cave painting of a horse from the Lascaux caves, circa 16,000 BP

In history the art we know to have influenced us most is the art of some of the greatest ancient civilizations; Ancient Egypt, China, Ancient Greece, Rome, Inca and Maya. Why? Each of these civilizations were powerful, were around for a long time, they developed unique characteristics in their art styles and most importantly, their artworks survived the test of time and destruction.

The statue Laocoon from ancient Greece

Many people believe that we have passed our peak as human beings when it comes to creating art. After all, how can we compete with the great masters of the Renaissance? Will there ever be another painting of a woman as famous as Leonardo's Mona Lisa?

Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa

A reason is the new rule, which is not that new anymore by the way, is that originality surpasses quality. And at least in my book that whole concept is starting to get a bit out of control. When you can call a banana peel on the floor "art" and sell it for 100.000 $, when Damien Hirst slices a cow in half and puts in in a glass box and calls it "art" or when the cleaning lady throws away an "art installation" at a gallery because she thinks it is trash from last nights vernissage.. Then I do wonder if we have lost touch of the true essence, the foundation and meaning behind the word ART.

Damien Hirsts Cow

Should one be able to call anything art as long as you put it in a gallery or a museum? In which case, can anyone be an artist? And who is to say what is good and what is bad art? What is needed in society and what is a waste? These are questions I often talk about with fellow artists and painters. It seems it is no longer about the quality or sentiment behind the product, but more to do with WHO made it and the size of the investment. It can be disheartening and frustrating to witness a world where it seems beauty is only appreciated through unrealistically high standards of appearance and wealth.

Personally I do think we need art. I think we need art that is rooted in human nature and the nature which we come from. Art that appreciate and finds strength in what natural beauty can offer us as humans in terms of recognition and comfort. I think we as humans still have great potential to create art just as good, if not even better than out ancestors if we study history, but I do think someone needs to start a revolution to shake the art world out of the current state of chaos.

Art by Norwegian artist Bjarne Melgaard

If not, in a thousand years our time here on earth will for sure not compare well art wise to Ancient Greece or the Renaissance. I hope my art generation will be remembered for more than matchstick men, sliced animals, banana peel and trash on the floor!

What do you think?
Is the art world falling to pieces or are we part of a revolutionary new way of thinking in the ways we create art?

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A lot of modern art reminds me of what a disturbed mind may look like. Hopefully we can bring natural beauty back in vogue.

Well said @reddust!! I couldn't agree more!!

Dear @mayasky....One would be remiss if they did not put time and thought into what you have put forward...therefore there will be a lapse a time before a reply of sufficient depth can be written. Thank you for the opportunity to ponder these thoughts. All the best. Cheers.

Thank you so much dear @bleujay!! I am looking forward to hearing your reply!! :) I love the fact that my thoughts intrigued you. All the best!!

What is art?
Do we need it?
Does originality surpass quality?

All loaded queries.
Fine Art according to Webster.....Art which is concerned with the creation of objects of imagination(artistic license) and taste for their own sake without relation to the utility of the object produced. Fine Arts... Painting, drawing, architecture and sculpture; and sometimes poetry, music, dancing and dramatic art. This is from a 1940 Websters New Collegiate Dictionary. Apologies in advance to photographer artists.
Art has the fundamental foundation of Principles of Design and the Elements of Design. These basics are required by the eye in order to appreciate. The viewer need not be aware of these, however the eye is very much aware. The viewer either has capacity for artistic expression or he does not. This capacity is developed through knowledge of art. Principle. The more you know about any given subject the more enjoyment of that subject.

Do we need it?
We need beauty...God created the trees in the Garden of Eden, some pleasant to the sight and some for food. Genesis 2.9

Does originality surpass quality? No. Both are required in order to interest the viewer. If by quality you mean the inclusion of the Principles of Design and the Elements of Design using quality materials.

Good queries @mayasky. Thank you for the opportunity to express thought regarding the vast subject of the wonderful world of fine art.

Thank you for posting @mayasky.
It is a conundrum presented that wishes one could open a book for explanation when there is not one. Simply said, when societies embrace the rejection of basic principles, basic fundamentals of life...the laws of establishment...it proceeds to intrude upon every segment of society. It is not that these degenerate/declining standards did not exist before but that it had not become the norm, a saturation if you will. Collectively the sphere of the artworld is saturated with work that has departed from the basic underlying principles of fine art. What is ugly is called beautiful and what is beautiful is called ugly. These are thoughts that came to mind whilst reading your excellent essay regarding this painful subject for artist and art collector alike.
However individually one makes one's own decisions regarding what they will produce ignoring collective thought. It is as @reddust replied ...we are seeing distorted minds on view. It is one's own choice which way they will go.

Robert Frost said it best in 'The Road Not Taken'
...I went the one lest travelled by and that has made all the difference.

Thank you dear @mayasky for the opportunity to express thought.

Wow!! @bleujay! Thank you for such a great reply! I love the quote by Robert Frost..And how great would it be With a book indeed.. In the meantime however I greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss my thoughts and hear other Peoples point of view on the matter. I have read Your thoughts many times and thank you again for sharing them! :)

My pleasure @mayasky. Yes...your reply section could be mistaken for the great Salons of Paris of another day. Here's to many more such discussions. Sante'

Thanks for this post, I like thinking about this kind of thing and actually just had a conversation about this very subject yesterday with my sister. We began with the same points that you began with - clearly art is an integral part of the human experience. We talked about how art is a reflection of the current ideas, the inspirations and the struggles of humanity so of course different kinds of art will get attention during different eras. But something else worth mentioning is that while yes there is a lot of art that's conceptual and heady trying to make a point or raise awareness about something NOW and won't be relevant in 5 years, there is also a huge amount of art made everyday that is much more human and relatable and isn't like the banana peel. Another part of our conversation was about how art speaks to each of us in different ways - some of us are moved by a beautiful Turner sky and some of us by a Dada painting or a Jeff Koons pop art sculpture and I believe there is room for all of it. And the good news is that if you go to galleries and museums in any major city in the US, it's always possible to find a handful of artists that are making work that you appreciate. Even on instagram I can find truly wonderful art every week. People are making some very cool things out there these days! Anyway, thanks for the post

May the Revolution begin!

Nice article! Yes, I think the old conception of 'art' is falling into pieces, and we need a totally new conception about this word, more connected with nature, health, values, etc... I'm trying to help on that challenge too (see my post)... in short i say: "All Verbs are Arts, which produce Artworks (resources, effects), performed and experienced in Space by Beings").
Will be good to join forces and create a development team of this ideas...