When something is missing - original artwork by @mayasky

in art •  8 years ago 

This is a self portrait that I painted about a year ago. Well, I started painting it about a year ago.. The thing is, I can't decide if it is done or not.

In one way I like the simplicity of it, but I keep coming back to the conclusion that something is missing. I don't know if adding another element or simply just working more on what is already in the painting will solve the ''problem''. Maybe the reason why I feel this way is because I intentionally wanted to try painting this portrait in a somewhat ''looser'' style than I usually do. Looser meaning a bit less detail and more visible brushstrokes.

An earlier stage of the painting

A picture taken of me while painting on it

Whatever it is I need to do to be able to let go of this painting I really hope I'll be able to figure it out sooner rather than later. Do you guys ever have that problem, not being able to start something new before completing certain projects? Usually I am able to have a few projects going at the same time but this one has been a head scratcher..

Anyways, thanks for stopping by and wish you a creative and relaxing Sunday! :)

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Wow I love your portrait I believe it's fine just the way it is even though its simple. Think of the Mona Lisa it's pretty simple but it's one of the the most famous art work talked about through art history. Self portraits I believe are supposed to be simple because it a reflection of you and only you, so you can see yourself in a different dimension you created. If anything keep that one as your original and pant another maybe this time change what you were, how you smile, the position you want to take. Use it to live out kind of a fantasy of how you see yourself .

Hey @henry92! Thank you so much for your comment and compliment! :) Good point about the Mona Lisa and simplicity... No matter what, the changes to be made will for sure not be dramatic, but it's just that feeling of something not clicking yet..Hmm.. I do really like your idea of making an other one and leaving this one (for now).. heheh ;) It is truly great to be able to share thoughts and ideas around my work and art here on steemit thou and get all of these wonderful and encouraging replies and support! Thank you again! :)

It's really great! As I like to write I have no problem starting sthg else before finishing another story, but with writing you can just put it aside in a drawer and not think about it... While having a painting unfinished looking at you all day long must be some kind of pressure...

Hey @herverisson! Thank you for your comment! :) It definitely is in this case! Thou if too bothered I do have a "painting closet" for the lost cases, heheh.. I'd like to think I'll figure this one out thou! ;) Thanks again! :)

Sometimes in my own work, it's not what's missing, but what needs to be eliminated or subdued. If you'll permit me: when I look at this painting, my eyes keep wanting to look at the knobs (or whatever they're called) on the chair. They "fight" with your main focal area, your face. The chair is important to the design, but maybe it needs softening by bringing the cast shadow on the wall up behind them or some other means. Just a suggestion. Edit: yes, I get stuck with a lot of my work. I put them aside in a "work on" stack so I can look at them with a fresh eye later. Usually, I'll see what needs to be done. Hope all of this helps!

Thank you for your comment @chessmonster! :) You have some great points about the chair! I will for sure try some softening to get some of the focus away. Thank you again for your input, very helpful indeed :)

I like the blue, yet it has a warm feeling. Nice.

Thank you @cryptobarry!! :)

Another beautiful artwork! To me, it needs nothing more to be added, but you know best what you envisioned. :)

Thank you so much dear @alcibiades! :)

Absolutely beautiful! I'm not a painter like you but I do understand that feeling of uncertainty about whether a project is complete or not... It looks perfect to me, realistic of course but with a wonderful dreaminess. Great photo at the end too by the way!

Thank you so much! :) For your comment and complimnts! :)

I think it's lovely too, and doesn't need anything else. The danger of trying to "complete" it, is that you may lose what you've already got. I also wonder if being a self portrait has anything to do with the feeling of incompleteness.

Thank you @kiwideb! I agree with your comment whole heartedly! Most self portraits leave me feeling this way for the longest time..

Beautiful work. It looks complete to me. Followed!

Thank you so much! For your comment and follow! :)

I want to have it on my wall

Heheh! :D Thank you for THE compliment! ;)