RE: The Last One Left and A Look At the Rest of This Collection So Far

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The Last One Left and A Look At the Rest of This Collection So Far

in art •  6 years ago 

I am hoping Mr Sudness brings me more of goodies when he comes crashing down my chimney soon

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Those goodies might make you see things you don't want to see. Fair warning.

Then they shall be everything I have dreamed of!

I had that dumb dream of my work trending again.

Ah, the ultimate dream. I remember the days when we could make it. Was always such an exciting boost

I miss that, too much. I can't turn this kind of work into an advertisement either. Sure, it's hundreds of hours of work, but where's the value in spending a few seconds, pushing a few buttons, and cheating my way to the top? That would kill my credibility in the future.

It's the credibility that matters. We will be vindicated. Time will tell

Man... I hope so.

Credibility on steemit is such and upside down thing. These works can stand upon their own but if you promote it - and i don't know if that's what you meant - then you lose credibility which says they don't stand on their own. Oh boy. This type of value, credibility, worth, promotion, good, bad, sell, don't sell out, "starving artist" purity, truth, compromised, contaminated stuff is old as the hills. For someone like me to even comment will just set me up to get smacked. I'm 60 years old and have to tiptoe around like i'm 6 years old and be a "good lad" or NO votes, No support, And if i cross the wrong powers that be it's down vote time.

I'm posting this as a confused attempt to talk about ART in general and others perceptions and points of view.It's not a personal "attack" on anyone. I experience this everyday here and for the most part am unable to put it in words. I never met an artist who majored in creative writing or journalism/blogging. Thank god blogging didn't exist for the first 45 or so years of my life. I think it corrupts creativity unless the blogging is itself the art form. Problem is there is no recognition of that here and not much acceptance of anything that doesn't look like "quality content blogging"