An Irish Blessing - original art by @merej99steemCreated with Sketch.

in art •  8 years ago 

An Irish Blessing by Meredith Loughran, art, doodling, mandala

An Irish Blessing

May you always walk in sunshine
May you never want for more
May Irish angels rest their wings
Right beside your door.

~Author Unknown

My first commissioned work?

Well... I don't know about that. LOL
Actually, my husband came home today and asked me to draw something "Celtic" as a baby shower gift for one of the ladies at work.

"An Irish blessing maybe. And some Celtic knots."
"And when do you need this by, husband?"
"Uhhh... tomorrow."

You know that feeling you get when your kids had a huge school project and didn't tell you until 8 PM the night before it was due? Yeah... I had flashbacks.

So with one failed sketch because I couldn't decide on a border...

I finally thought I just needed to keep it kind of simple. You know - the K.I.S.S. theory:

Keep It Simple, Stupid

So here's the piece with no color, which is how I actually prefer it:

And here it is with some color accents, which is what hubby likes:

I'd be interested in knowing your opinion.
Black & White or Color?

And here I am posing with the final piece so I can go to bed & do some reading! Tomorrow we buy a frame but I won't have pictures of that.

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Thank you.

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Great post!

Bravo! beautiful words that you gave my friend @ merej99, beautiful work as we have become accustomed. IMHO the color, the two are beautiful but I prefer the color. congratulations, thanks for asking

A masterpiece! A superb piece of work.

Thank you @opheliafu. That sincerely means a lot to me. <3
I scanned it so I would have a copy since I will be parting with it... I can't believe I'm parting with it!

I like it! I think I prefer the black and white; and the writing is just gorgeous.

Thank you @anca3drandom. I must have gone through half an eraser trying to get the lettering right! LOL

Beautiful - and the words will have great meaning
love the black and white version

Suaimhneas (SOO-iv-nass) – Peace, tranquillity, quietness, rest CALM COMFORT
This popular Irish word encapsulates the sense of serenity that is much striven for in modern life.
A little word from the Irish side of my family we learnt a long time ago!

both versions are beautiful, I like the colour version. I hope the lady adores it.

I wish I had more time to give it a matte and frame in properly. I asked him last night if she was Irish. He said, "Well, I'm Irish - and she's got kind of blond-ish red hair."

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I like the black and white, I struggle with adding color to ink drawings too!'s a different language, this language of ornament.

I'm Irish--my mother was born in Killarney and both my sons have taken out Irish citizenship and have Celtic tatoos--which is another language of inking also featuring Celtic knot patterns.

If you have time to garden you might consider the following link: A knot garden? Very fragrant and peaceful :)

My great-grandmother came from Ireland in 1903 - she was five at the time. That side of the family is from Clan McMahon of County Clare. Strangely enough, there's a branch of his family tree of the same clan and county. He gets skeeved out when I joke we could be "kissing cousins" LOL. His family is from County Armagh. It's kind of funny when people try to pronounce Loughran. It's always loofrun, log-ran, lowgrun...
That's so cool that your boys are taking Irish citizenship! And I'll definitely take a look at the knot garden. It sounds intrguing :) Thanks John

Wow, what a wonderful gift.
I like it with colour but absolutely love it in black and white.