Computer Magic

in art •  7 years ago 


Computer Magic is usually what I call things that I make that would have an overly technical explanation into how they're made.

But just in case someone is interested. This was created in Cinema 4D using the xParticles plugin. A 3D head model was used as the source for the emission of the particles and all of the particles were added to a xpDomain object which is a voxel grid. A second emitter also using the head as a source emits temperature into the voxel grid increasing the temperature attribute on the first set of particles. Then the temperature attribute was mapped to the particles radii via a curve that remaps the values so that they give this wave effect. Lastly the particles color was also mapped to the temperature value via a gradient.

In other words...Computer Magic.

Thanks for looking!

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I'm so impressed!

Thanks @livvu! :)

Nice work. I followed you here because I stumbled upon your discussion in a post by @abrockman
Really interesting art and talents.

Thanks @gabbingster! Yea a lot of people are talking about the bot issue these days. At first I didn't think it was much of a problem, but when they're abused it really screws up the experience here. As a new user, I'm on the opposite extreme though as someone like nonameslefttouse where I'm struggling to get my work seen. So I think bots could be useful if used responsibly, but like everything else in life, if something CAN be abused, it will be.