Despite what I say about how anything can be art if people like it an enjoying something is completely subjective, I have to say that modern art in today's times seems to me like money laundering rather than genuine appreciation for the actual art in question.
it was several years ago but I took a trip and was excited to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art and the excitement ended shortly after getting into some of the galleries. I couldn't believe some of the stuff that was being featured, there was one particular showcase that I found disturbing that it would be there at all, let alone featured.

I approached these and looked at various angled, tried squinting my eyes in case there was some minute detail that was hard to see and a number of other things but as it turns out these 3 canvases were all blank and it was intentional. That is considered modern art? To me it seems like a middles school shop class project.
There are many other examples of modern art that are considered very valuable as well

This is called "Onement Vi" and it sold at auction for over $40 million. It's two large canvasses with blue paint on them. If you have ever painted a room in your house you have just as much artistic capabilities as the creator of this.
This next criticism will be controversial because he is one of the most famous artists of all time and his paintings are considered to be some of the most valuable.

This is something by Jackson Pollack and most of his work looks just like this. Several of his paintings are worth upwards of $200 million and I think we have accidentally created at least a couple of these just by having paper on the floor to catch paint when students are painting. I do not understand the allure of something like this and honestly believe that the entire collection is so highly praised so that people can launder money. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
That doesn't necessarily mean that I am correct. I am sure that a bunch of people would look at things that I consider to be amazing and claim it is no good as well. But seriously, when you look at these things and no one told you what they are or what they are worth would you ever guess that they are all multi-million dollar pieces of art? I just don't get it!
Regardless, I suppose this just goes to show that there is no such thing as being "wrong" with your art and this is why I encourage all of my students to pursue whatever it is that they are passionate for. Apparently is really doesn't matter what the art world thinks because things like this end up selling for big bucks. Whether it is politics or money laundering we will never know, but I suspect it is more those things that it is people actually believing these are the works of master artists.