Impressive church sketch by a student

in art •  last year 

I take great joy in my students being proud of their progress and in particular when they use some of the techniques that I suggest in our classes with one another.

One of the thing that I have suggested to students when attempting to learn the scale of various things like trees and buildings, which actually become very simple once you have had some practice, is to use a "grid system." Due to technological advances it is very easy to overlay any image that you want with a grid and then by using either pre-marked graphing paper or by simply lightly making your own squares, you can break down a rather complicated picture into little areas that you can work on one-by-one.

This has made landscapes and buildings that would otherwise be quite daunting to beginners something that they feel they can tackle and they enjoy it! I know that this is the case because I never give any homework and the students wouldn't be obligated to actually do it even if I did since this is a purely elective class.


The level of detail that this student managed with their recreation of a famous photograph is really impressive to me and the look of joy on the kid's face when they were showing it off to me makes this job quite rewarding. Art should be its reward and I am happy when students get enjoyment simply out of creating something purely because they want to.

You can see the remains of the grid markings in the picture if you look closely and this makes me happy that they actually use some of the stuff I suggested to them.

The only requirements for this was a bit of higher quality paper and some pencils. None of these things cost hardly any money at all.

What's holding you back? If you want to be an artist, get started on being one!

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