in art •  7 years ago 

a photo5.jpg

I have always had these drive for Art because art have opened my eyes and my mind to ideas.
Art can be ideological and it can enlighten provoking consciousness to push itself further, it provides a range of forms , symbols and ideas with meanings that are malleable, it also provides a means to express the imagination in non-grammatic ways .

Sometimes, when i feel sad and worried i feel free to express those anger into drawings or paintings, in several occasions i have run of short ideas especially when i pick up my pencils to draw i feel blank, but when i look forward to my mentors, friends on line i get inspired and motivated to do more and better. Art serves as a great source of inspiration to me.

In several communities today art is given no or less attention, it is seen as a waste of time. i was once told by my uncle when i wanted to study art to leave it , he called it a child's play and a waste of time , i almost considered it to be true but after i got into art i understood that art brings hidden ideas to reality and builds up students or people in art with life long skills and analytical thinking and creativity. I also realized that exposure to the understanding of art is key to developing qualities of responsibility, the more you venture into art the more you learn the more you become and the more you get developed.

I started with the drawing at the top but as i kept on studying art i started developing.
my pic4.jpg
my pic1.jpg
my pic3.jpg
my pic2.jpg

Art broadens our experience and enable us to imagine the unimaginable and connect to the past, the present and the future. Schools, Companies and organizations that wants to stay globally competitive should realize the need employees who are creative thinkers, multi disciplinary and collaborative. Studying Art History builds an aesthetic /mentality that can influence other area of thinking.
Art makes us a life long learner and filed with a wide mind always open to new experience and ideas that tends to produce positivity.

Art Entertains.
Art Educates.
Art Motivates.
Art Inspires.
Art Communicates.
Art Expresses.
Art can connote a sense of trained ability or mastery of a medium(Craft) . Leonardo da Vinci said - Art neither less his other endeavors was a manifestation of skills, Art builds skills and talents.

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