Do I have to? □ Yes □ No

in art •  8 years ago 

Today, I have concentrated on my flow of thoughts – “I have to cook”, “I have to change my son’s pants”, “I have to clean the floors” ... And I realize, that it irritates me!

Actually, these duties are rather easy, but the phrase “I have to” puts pressure on me. I start losing the freedom of choice. I can hardly cope with small household tasks. My day and all my life is overwhelmed with “I have to”.

Whom do I have to? Whom have I signed the contract with? Why do I have to comply with someone’s will?

However, after eliminating the phrase "I have to" from my mind, I have realized that I really care for all these things. I care for having our dinner, I care for my son wearing dry pants, and I really love clean floors!

It will be correct to say: "I want to cook", "I want to change my son’s pants", "I want to wash the floors".

Yes, I do! I can feel freedom now. I feel strength to accomplish all my tasks scheduled for today. I do it on my own will!

My Dear Steemian Friends, thank you so much for your constant support!
I greatly appreciate it!
And let the Freedom be your constant choice! ;)

With love,

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Wow! Everything is handsome, NatiChi! Your thoughts feelings, and your actions and their result. Your solar eyes are beautiful, too :)
Complete harmony!

indeed, we often ask ourselves this question why I "have to" from whom and when I had borrowed, but if you change the attitude, then life becomes a little easier. Great art @natichi Im your fan!

Thank you @natichi.

I too feel that way sometimes, I always try to look at the big picture and realize that life can change at any moment. We should enjoy our routine while we still have it.

bright, dreamy, airy painting .... sweet

Beautiful! <3

You had make a great post, I was forgot to follow you when I upvote you first time. But now I'm your follower :)