RE: Cherry Blossom Abstract

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Cherry Blossom Abstract

in art •  8 years ago 

Me again, couldn't leave your blog, I'm in love!

Would you mind if I put in my comment a picture with a jewelry of mine that looks just like your painting? I'm amazed..

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Of course! I would love to see your jewelry here :D


Here you are!

wow those are so pretty! are they real flowers?


Yes, all the flowers I work with are real, natural, mostly picked up by me, or by my sweet gradmother that gathers for me, too, and sends me letters with them... I guess you recognise these little white flowers (I don't know your climate), and these are dyed with alcohool and pink alimentar pigment :)

I can dye them in different colors, also.


Anyway, there's a lot to talk about, I don't want to monopolize your blog;))

I'm just enthusiast and passionate!

I love to connect with passionate people like you, that is what comment sections are all about :D I recognise those white flowers, we also have them here in Oslo. Your grandmother sounds like such a sweet lady ^_^ I bet it would be very fun to gather flowers with you two. I need to learn your flower tecniques

Yeah, my grandmother was a teacher and she kept that air of kind woman hIt would helping kids learn how to read...:) She's a rolemodel!

And yes, it would be very nice to go out for flowers, bercause for me it's a rithual. Wake up in the morning (because it's better to pick them in the morning), go after flowers(I'm allways looking after something new and interesting and I go back there to get them) in a targeted location, and then stop by a coffee and put them carefullly in old books...

I started on Steemit to present my workshop (actually the table I work on), how I pour first stage of resin, and there will be more about this. I'm planning to present a process from "zero to hero", from the flower in the field to final jewelry. Actually, it's on the move, I'm working on that but a jewelry takes about 3-5 days so... soon:)!

wow, that is so great! your creative process sounds very interesting :D I look forward to the "zero to hero" post

I'm really impressed by your jewelry, its beautiful! :D

Many thanks, I'm glad and grateful for that:)