Positivity |My Original Art|

in art •  7 years ago 

Today I'm going to present an artwork in front of you which is made by me. In this art, I've made a woman in the universe ( you may wonder why there are planets behind) who is having a lot of things going up in her mind but still, she chooses to be happy.
I want all of you to observe this picture deeply and tell me what all comes to your mind. I'll be so so happy if you can comment down your thoughts.

Let me give you a hint: Life goes on...


Now, whosoever's idea will be the best, I'll include his/her name in my next post. So, good luck.
And also, if you like my drawing and my post, please upvote, resteem and follow me. I promise to never disappoint you.
Thank you and have a nice day. :)

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Great piece of art!

Okay, let's see... to me this drawing represents the following:

While life may put us through up's and down's and things may not always go smooth and as planned, we still hold the ability and power within ourselves to make that choice to stay in touch with ourselves and live joy and happiness within, which we then also live in our actions, behaviors and words we speak. The woman being in the universe represents that she/we are part of something much bigger, Life itself and the bubble with so many things going on represents also all the petty little things in our lives and minds that we go through and make literally big emotional issues out of small things. No matter what we go through, life goes on - we can choose to move with it, adapt, learn and expand ourselves or go against it, fight it, resist it, complain and feel miserable. The women in the picture realizes that she is the creator of her self, experience and who she is towards her life and life's up's and down's and so decides to rather move on and find solutions to problems and issues and not remain stuck.

Whew, long description :P

Wow! I mean.. literally you've devoted time and thought over it a lot and that's commendable. I really appreciate your efforts that you've put into this task. But, I guess you're a little late. (As I've already included the name of the best describer in my next post)
Is there anything I can do for you?
PS: please tell me something other than following you, cuz I'm already a follower. :P

Hehe nikita, don't worry about it - I did this also for my own enjoyment and sharing my own perspective of how I interpret the elements and the whole drawing. However, thanks a ton for your words :)

You've actually made me feel so good by writing this. I really liked your perspective and the way you interpret things. @nebi, there's a long way for you to go. Keep going high. And I wish you all the luck and happiness. Keep shining. Keep winning. Happy steemin! :)

Awww, thanks.. so nice fo you! You keep shining and being your utmost self throughout your life as well! We are best when we are ourselves :)

A lot of thank you 's are coming your way. Just want to say that people like you should be followed more and more on steemit and should grow. You devote time to each and everyone. :)
I'm happy to be a follower as well as a fan. Have a nice day. :)

Wow! Nice one.

Thank you so much. And I value each and every comment coming my way from all of you. Appreciation always encourages me to do more, to do more of what I like and others love.
Thanks so much once again.
Have a nice day. :)

This photograph definitely channels wide range of thoughts. The women, who has a lot to aspire about, but has to live within the four walls of the house. Her husband is the only source of income, but he doesnt want her wife to work. The women wants to be independent, but the male dominative society shows its orthodox behaviour as always.

Oh my god! Oh my god! That's exactly what I had in my mind while I was making thja painting and the hint that I gave: 'life goes on...' also was related to the hardships that a women goes through while she is confined in the narrow world of the four walls of the house. I'm so happy someone tried to understand it.
Thank you so much. :)

Stay positive and keep on trucking!

Yeah.. that's the whole point of this picture and life goes on... We just have to be positive and smile away all our problems and difficulties.
I hope you always keep smiling and thanks for the comment.
Have a nice day. :)

Embrace all the things, sunshine and rainy days :)<3 you too.

Love it, Keep them coming :)

Thank you so much. Motivating comments from people like you make me feel like I'm worthy and that I should keep doing more and more good work and that I should keep posting.
Thanks a lot for your valuable comment. It keeps me enthusiastic.

Must say, its positive, lively and perfect, keep it up!

Yes, it is. The women in the picture is staying positive even after all the hardships she's facing in her life. Thanks a lot for your thoughtful comment. And yes comments from all of you make me feel more enthusiastic and I feel the zeal to work more.
Thanks a lot again.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@ nikita.adroit You may be the first drawing artist from India beside me. I would like to see your opnion on my drawing.

Wow! I'm so happy that people from India are Actually using steemit and really happy that there are artists too. @jenas maybe you're correct and we may be the only artists from India on steemit. I'm on my way to reviewing your blogs.
Let's rock it here on steemit!

Yeah Sure..

Very nice, you have great talent

Thank you so much. Your appreciation means a lot to me.
Thanks. :)

nice poem <3

Thank you so much for your comment. Although, your comment gives a surity that you've not read my post but still I would like to thank you. This is the art work that i've shared and I'll be so so happy if you actually give me your true comments about my drawing. Please if you read this comment, do see the drawing and then comment. Lol.

First of all: wow :-) i will have a closer look at my laptop in a while to comment what comes to mind , as looking the details on my phone is a bit difficult lol.. but you have done a great piece of art if you ask me! I am a fan and follower ;)

Thanks a lot @anouk.nox . Do have your closer look at the painting and comment down what ever you feel after looking at the picture. :)
Thanks a lot again for giving time and for making a valuable comment.
I'm following you too. ;)

Great , like that! I will get back to you, promise!

wow! it is great! if have the process, I'm more. interested in it .

What do you mean? Are you saying that you're more interested in the process of making this painting?
If yes, then read on...
This painting looks as if it's made on some high quality canvas board or something but the reality is that it's made on a simple drawing sheet. I've first made the drawing with a pencil, then did some water colours and poster colors and at last I've highlighted everything with a marker and a black pen.
Thanks for liking it. :)

very good! thank you for sharing it.:)