A year-in-review - cryptoart part 1

in art •  8 years ago 

Ophelia Fu's Cryptoart- part 1


I'm sharing with you a selection of my own work. These are my favourite cryptoart themed posts from my 1st year on Steemit.

I joined Steemit last July and what a fun year it has been! It took a few hours but I have gone through all of my posts from the past year, there were quite a few! I have selected some of my favourites and put these into different theme categories. This post is all about the crypto themed artwork. I hope you enjoy my selection!

Pick 'n' Mix

'Pick 'n' Mix' 2017 mixed media. Water-based paint and collage on paper.



'Crypto-garden' 2017- mixed media artwork made with water-based paint and drawing ink.


Morning BTC

Mixed media- Acrylic paint and water-based paint on paper, scanned and digital layers added.


Keeping an eye on...

Are your eyes firmly set on the markets?

Watching the rise and fall of lines on a graph

The feelings of fear, uncertainty and doubt


Or does your gut tell you to hold?

Crypto moths in your stomach

Trying to fly to the moon

'Eyeline crypto' 2017 - mixed media
Water-based paints on paper with digital overlay.


Going to the Moon

_'Going to the Moon' 2017- mixed media artwork made with water-based paint on board _


I hope you enjoyed part 1 of my @opheliafu cryptoart selection!



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Very cool stuff! Cant wait for part 2 xD
greetings from Germany

Thank you! Part 2 will be along a little later :D

The "Keeping an eye on..." is my favorite. Really nice piece of art!

Thanks, i made that one a couple of months ago.

From then we have more and more icos here

I like the combination of different media you've used; paint, collage and digital manipulation. What did you use to animate the rocket?
(I'd like to try animating some of my artwork)

I just made several images then put them together as a gif

@opheliafu I love the crypto garden and the morning BTC art. It is amazing to see that you have woven the crypto symbols so cleverly in the artwork! Upvoted

At my end, I continued my observations of nuggets of wisdom from wildlife and wrote a blog 'Dueling Dua - How Impalas manage conflict' with my wildlife photos and musings with a twist. I request you to take a look at it when you have time. Your comments, as always, would be an encouragement and incentive for me to make better blogs. Thanks

Crypto garden!!!!!!

Is that your favourite?

oh yes!! simple and cute :)

Very nice, I'm trying to pick my favorite but I think 'Morning BTC' and 'Keeping an eye on...' are tied for first place. I like the 'Going to the Moon' gif as well though.

It's difficult to choose just one isn't it?

nice post

That"Going to the moon" on the board is awesome. Some really cool stuff here.

Happy you like them!

Excellent work dear friend @opheliafu, congratulations on the beautiful works you have presented this year, thank you very much for those good moments
I wish you a beautiful day

Have a beautiful day too!

I love the "Keeping an eye on" artwork...
Them eyes set on the coins.. ಠᴗಠ

HODL OR FUD? ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

HODL? You?


A very good post very good achievement greetings from me @abupasi.alachy

Greetings and thank you!

Beautiful art. I have always admired/envied people who can draw/paint. My brother was talented that way, but for me drawing was never a natural skill. @opheliafu

Thank you. Why not try a different style of drawing? You never know!

Great artwork :) congrats on your first year!
Image of dksartRegularSteemit

You have a lovely post here. Great review and hope you continue the great work you doing. Im a minnow start out just over 1 month. So looking out for your support in the art category. So lovely post again keep on steem on.

Amazing work of art, thanks for sharing. Happy steemit birthday

Cool, love the litecoin is in the rocketship!

good post
plise followback...

Great work. Some of these pieces do an excellent job in one piece to sum up the crypto world. A picture in these cases really are worth a thousand words.

If only they were worth a thousand BTC, lol!

I like it. I never knew crypto art could be so kewl. Good job.

oh wow! Glad I stumbled upon your blog! Love the artwork! cool idea with krypto currency. :) I'm an artist too, and I always appreciate creativity.

Ideas are so awesome:) I love the rocket and the garden most:)

Love these, the rocket animation is so cute.

Going to the moon is my favorite. And I remember other steemit drawings like the one with the clothes and the steem above them. And you steemit portrait.

Ha! I love how the rocket smashed into the moon. Great :)