Harry potter drawingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in art •  8 years ago 

Hi everyone!
I’ll begin a harry potter Drawing serie. There is a little fore taste of my work. I hope you’ll like it ^^


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Wow @othmanesl this is a fantastic drawing I must say. You must be really talented and it is very much evident from your work. I really like your sketching a lot. Hope to hear a lot from you from now on. See you again. Have a nice day.

that's an amazing comment that means a lot to me thank you so much :) and i followed to be the first to see your amazing new creations ;)

Thank you so much.. I look forward towards seeing more of your content too and thanks so much for being the first viewer of all my new creations. :D
All the best for your future and have a nice day. :)
Good luck. :)

I'm sure that I won't be the last your doing great good luck ;)

Thank you so much. And I hope I keep bringing all the good and moreover the best content on steemit for all of you guys. Keep supporting and I really need a lot of good luck here. Thanks a lot again and may you achieve everything you desire for. Good luck to you too. :)

Great work! Keep on drawing!

of course that means a lot to me thank you and don't hesitate to follow me for more coming soon ;)

WOW !! really nice drawing but try to draw with a darker pencil and make more details with shading and just make reflection in the eyes it will make it more realistic

thanks for your advice ;)

Very nice! Your attention to fine focus and sharp details is really good. You seem to use your sharpest detail in just the right places to get people to look at what you want them to see. In this case is the action and emotion of Harry Potter.

That is maybe the best analysis that someone made on my work I am glad you like it and I hope you'll be there to support my next drawing :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

this is very nice.. keep it up friend... I am glad to see your art.. Thanks.I have a friend who also makes good sketches.. I will share that on steemit.

I'll be there to support your friend and there is more coming soon I hope you'll be there to see it:)

Good job on capturing the main features and making the character easily recognizable :)
Some tips: you can adjust a drawing to fit the story, so adding the lightning bolt would definitely strengthen the image .
Next is the wand, little details matter for big fans. (The shape is very different)
I also recommend to use a paper over the drawing where you hand is resting, to avoid smudging the pencils.
And lastly- as this is based on Radcliffe, his face is a little longer, you can see it most noticeably with the nose :)
Good luck and keep it up! Upvoted ^ ^

Thanks for taking the time to write me such a useful comment.I invite you to follow me and I'll be glad to read such a comment on my future post thanks again;)

my most favorite part of your drawing is the way you captured the glasses and the shadows on the eyes underneath. The face and hands are really good!!

that means a lot to me thank you friend ;)

no problem... anytime... I like to see your artwork

Hi Othmane,

Your Art is really good!

Thanks for sharing it!

Thanks a lot @phrase stay tune more drawing are coming soon ;)

You have good talent friend. My hands are very shaky these days.

I apreciate it friend thanks :)

Beautiful. Nice work.

thank you :)

good work!

thank you my friend I'm glad you like it:)

Nice. And where is a scar?)

thank you :), you seem to be a fan of harry and as i say you care for details but the scar is hidden behind his hair ;)


That is great art, draw people faces is not so simple! And I love HP, I'v read all books! Thank you for your work =)

Thank you katerina and don't hesitate to follow me for new drawings;)

Nice! I like the shadow under the nose, and it looks like you got the proportions of his face just right. The broken glasses is a nice touch as well :)

I appreciate it my friend thanks for this beautiful comment and don't hesitate to follow me for more drawing;)

Good job, keep practicing and you will do better every time

thank you genyway that is so sweet!

Following you now, awesome work:) HP fans must keep together;)

Always ;)

This is gorgeous work othmanesl! Thanks for showing me this and complimenting my drawing (https://steemit.com/art/@oddnugget/the-artsyfartsy-column-tiffany-and-the-hiver)

thank you oddnugget;)

Great work @othmanesl! You really catched harrys face perfectly. Did u have a reference, or did u draw him out of your mind?

I was watching the movie for the 21fst time and I paused it on this sequence cause I found it inspiring:)

WOW this looks absolutely amazing, good job! following.

Thank you friend stay tune more drawing are coming;)

Woah, very cool drawing...... Let's be friends.... U follow me @doctormegazilla & I'll Follow U....

I followed you my friend;)

Following U too, Thx!

Very nice!!! I love pencil drawings! Can't wait to see more!

thanks and don't forget to follow me more are coming soon I'm glad you like it;)

I really like your style, you have a lot of potential :)

That's encouraging thanks for your support :)

Mmmm, great. Hope to see more drawings in the future

Thanks and don't hesitate to follow me for more ;)

nice drawing. i think practice is only the way to improve your drawing skill :D cheer up~!

You're right :) don't hesitate to follow me to see more of my work and thanks for the advice;)

The eye and nose part is really really cool! Regarding your comment/question on how to colour, what would be your preferred technique (paint, coloured crayons, pastel, etc) ? Do you wish to have a realistic result (matching colours to your reference picture) or to do your own interpretation?
If you are interested in learning about colour, colour theory is a must and you can learn a lot on the internet. Check for example, this link out: https://www.blenderguru.com/tutorials/understanding-colors

I'll begin with that thanks for the link its pretty useful;)

No problem, keep on drawing!! :D

wew harry potter, cool


Hey! (Thanks for the great comment on my post and sharing your work with me) Good start to a series! I'd say to not be afraid to use the eraser as a drawing tool, and if you're working from a photo- to really study and think about what light is doing with the forms you are seeing. It's not just copying what you see, you have to know what it is that you are seeing... Hope that helps in some way! Keep up the great work and most important: PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!

Thanks for taking the time to write this comment its really useful and I'll begin to use the eraser more frequently thanks a lot ;)

I find it promising you have well retranscris the face of the model. You just lack well-textured parts like the hair, the wood of the wand to give even more a realistic effect. I think you have a good level, you just have to work your shadows and your light in more detail :).

That means a lot to me thanks and follow me to see more of my work ;)

good work. i like harry potter. i used to paint him too before

I would like to see your paintings don't hesitate to share it I'll be the first to up vote ;)

Good job, very characteristic!

thank you! :)

Amazing my friend upvoted :D

thanks and follow me for more;)

Really great!

thank you my friend follow me cause more of my work is coming ;)

Nice signature ;-)

thanks my friend :) follow me for more if you want;)

thanks my friend :) follow me for more if you want;)

wow! amazing drawing i came from the link of my post. Regards Upvoted and i follow you

followed you too I'm glad you like it ;)

This look awsome. The face looks very great though the clothes might need a little more work. Still cool drawing please keep up the good work.:) (and thanks for your comment

thanks for your comment you're right follow me if you want to check more of my work ;)

wow very amazing love the way you drew this very good likeness love it.

that's a sweet comment thank you ;)

Portrait drawing is very difficult skill to acquire, and you did an excellent work with it. I would wanna see some anime drawings from you too.

I'll try thanks for your comment ;)

Excellent drawing! Keep it up!

thank's a lot :)

Werry cool😁👍

thanks ^^

Your werry welcome😁

Great job! Keep on drawing :)

thanks ::)

Thanks my friend;)

Great drawing! You really captured his character and I like the shading behind the glasses. Have you tried experimenting with soft and hard pencils like 6B, 2B, 2H? They let you get more range of tones and allow more contrast in the work. Still an amazing piece, keep drawing! :)

I haven’t tried cause I’ m juste à beginner thanks for your advice :)

Awesome work... I will show it to my daughter she is a big Harry Potter fan !

thanks a lot I hope she'll like it :)

I just showed her she thinks it is awesome and very cool... cool is her keyword lol

It looks great! Has a lot of potential. I like the details on the glasses with the cracks! Good job :)
Keep up the great posts

thanks that means a lot to me :)

nicely done, great work on the nose and eyes.

thanks my friend ;)

It's great work. I like the style.

thank you that's sweet :)

This is a very good drawing, detailed and quite expressive. Well done. I am looking forward to see more of your art.

follow me to be the first ;) thanks a lot

Great sketch. I like pencil drawing and you are pretty good at it. Keep doing that) start follwing you and your Harry Potter serie😉

followed you too I'm glad you liked it;)

You've captured the proportions quite well so good job there, my one tip would be to use a wider range of pencil grades to add tonal depth. It looks like you used a HB pencil for the most part, try using a 2B for the darker shading as-well as defining the lines connected to the darker areas (not being hit by light), this will make the drawing stand out more on the page.

All the best!

I'll take the advice thanks for your comment ;)

absolutely amazing. upvoted :)

thanks :)

nice! Curious to see how the series evolve!! :)

follow me to see it ;) and thanks for the sweet comment

Nice job, keep it up!

thanks my friend ;)

Hi! Good job with the drawing, you really managed to make him look like Harry. I think you could work a bit more on the shadings, maybe smooth them out a little. Especially the shading under the right eyebrow looks a bit too dark in comparison to the others, and there could maybe be some shades from the hair on his forehead. But apart from that really good job! :)

thanks for the advice don't hesitate to follow me to see my progress thanks for your sweet comment ;)

thank you for sharing
great job

alikom salam I appreciate :)

Amazing! I'm re-reading the books now. Always cool to meet another fan!

always :) check my second post you'll also like it and don' forget to follow :)

Wonderful portrait !! :) Harry Potter forever....

of course I'm glad to meet another hp fan ;)

Nice work! Will follow for more :)

This is really great! This shows a lot of what you can do because for a majority of people drawing faces or people in general is one of the hardest things to draw! Great work! Keep it up!

Very nice work. Like it :)

I like your technique :D

Very nice work :)

You are a good artist...you have detailed every part neatly👍 keep going!!!!
waiting for your next post!!!

Great post my friend. Upvote. You have talent in it

Upvotes you, resteem and following please do same in return :)

I have to say that you have talent man! Very nice piece of art, keep on!
Thank you for your comment on my article : ))

Very nice, love the shadow of the glasses! Well done!

This work is fantastic