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How good that your animation is already ready, we are waiting for it 😘

Wow, I remember very well that work you published today, apparently it was stored in the trunk for a long time. hehehehe

Those Spammers are very hard, no matter how much their breath is cut, there will always be more... they reproduce a lot. 😱

This is a very good drawing, and quite comic. The spammers really are terrible hahaha. I'll wait for your next post, it will be very, very good. I'm sure that already, many are waiting for it. So do not worry because, only fatigue remains. In addition we all have occupations, which consume a lot of our time.

very good work my dear friend you have to have more dolphins to arrest all those SPAM, the drawing is impeccable congratulations friend

fantastic drawing this amazing friend did a great job extraordinary, I love the dolphins are so tender and good to trap and leave all this without oxygen I like that bravo

Dolphins are always doing a good job and thats why we need more of them here :)

There are only 1500, that number is terribly low in my opinion :(

Yes it is very very low :( Didnt expected it!

Great colors... way to pinch the line on the spammy treasure hunter!

friend I hope you find yourself very well, we hope soon your wonderful publications, happy afternoons

I was gone this morning and my day was full of tasks when I got home... I was on the river for a fun break :)

wuao that's really fun and well deserved

El dibujo esta espectacular @overkillcoin, como descubres a los SPAM y los atemorisas. Regards y again congratulations my friend

Dolphins are best friends, they usually send positive waves!

Haha I like your artwork buddy - The best part about your artwork are those catchy expressions which is the most important aspect. You are so perfect about it.

I'm great the animation! I find it funny how You "kill" the pig spammer your occurrences are fun, I love the excellent work you do

If someone who is a spammer asks that they end up with them, is it considered suicide? I have that doubt

Vizatim shume I Mir me domethanje temper Mir ,je Duke ber pun shkelqyeshem vetem perpara.

Unë nuk kam qenë postimi të mjaftueshme, në vend që unë jam duke punuar në video qesharake për t'i bërë njerëzit të qeshin për :)

Po është më shumë argëtim se arti normal.

I will patiently wait for your new animation. I am sure it will be perfect because it had your time and effort. Excited about it.

Awesome work. Let's cut off the air to those spammers! Can't wait for the animation post :)

I know this is a bit OCD, but I want to add just a few more sound effects and a tiny bit of extra imagery

Details do matter! With art, the audience may not notice them, but they influence the outcome.

hahaha, I only have to read your post and some comments and my evening is saved.... 😜😂
Best regards

Can you please explain who are they?
I meam the commenters who don't post relevent comments?

hehehehehe, I cannot say WHO they are, but I can tell what they are....😂😂😂

Hahahaha you got it right ;)

It's really the guys that comment without reading any of the post, and their comments are very generic.

Like "nice post" "good job" or others... sometimes they have a lot of words, but there's no indication they actually read the post... they are just looking for votes and nothing else.

Oh yes and by doing small effort they can get big reward.

Yes. I would rather have a good comment in imperfect English or another language than have a completely stupid comment in perfect English.

Completely agree with you sir!

Hi, I came here because of a comment you left somewhere else. I like the style of your drawings, but that is not why I wanted to leave a comment.

I wondered if you are aware you misspelled the word illustration in your banner. Since it is what you do, I thought you wanted to know.

Looking forward to your animation.

que dibujo tan fantastico,felicitaciones por tan importante trabajo,espero contar con su contribucion y apoyo ,visite mis pots, soy venezolano. Saludos

incredible work bro, you have to finish quickly with all that and remove them spam even if cutting the air, fantastic work

you have beautifully explained without any word ....... is it your art?

No, I don't have any art skills, everything I post is stolen XD

it doesnt seem your art 😘

Your thought and lesson from this post is very amazing @overkillcoin.

Colorful scammer? Its is be black.

Great thought and nice conceptual art about scam.. You art represent scam.. lol art.....!!!!!!!!!!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Another useless comment... You have failed once again! :)