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I'm so sorry I miss this one I love turtles.

Me too, thay're awesome.

Pre-Congrats to all of the lucky winners!! <3 <3 <3 We love you OverKillCoin xoxoxo

Open to all except spammers


Not that spammers would read past the first sentence any way ☺

Two turtles left to go! It's funny how much people appreciate free turtles ☺

Everyone loves them sum @overkillcoin!

I like the shell, the geometric design gives it a subtly mesoamerican vibe.

I kind of noticed that too ☺

Very cool stuff man, A lot of Turtles are being born now hahah :)

They hatch so quickly!!! ☺

Oh yes hahah :)

Aw, shit.

Deep red and black i love these colors my turtle will be good with these colors 😍

Your name is sooooo lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng


Large size:


lovely thank you 😍
Btw that's my full name 😂 my first name is SOUFIANE and the last is CHAKROUF

Nice to meet you Soufiane ☺

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Keep your chin up Spring is on its way! This is like a tank platoon... you should do them in camouflage? Ha ha!

Mounted guns on sea-turtles could help bring the spammer population down a bit ☺

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Me!!! Well If it is valid than pink :) Thank you!



Wow thank you :) Looks very cute :)

Did I miss it? I want it if there's still one left. I would choose green!

Nope! You're in!

Green shell and green turtle. Got it!

I'll be back a bit later.



YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!! He's more beautiful than I could have possibly imagined! Look at the resemblance!

Ono Boggle small.jpg

Thank you! Ha HAH! :D

Nice art from you again. Always bringing the community together

Well it was kind of 'recycled' haha... ☺

Yay! You posted!

On the night shift, no less!

Hello can I get in yellow shell green on turtal



Thank you so much I am admire of your art. I really like the result of the colors I choose(that make it uniqe) I realy like that. Thank you
@overkillcoin I am luck :) I saw it just on time to particapte. Have a great day :).

Glad to hear this from you ☺ You finally had a chance to win!

Stop getting over-whelmed.....ha. that was bad, i'm going to go now.........go to sleep that is.......nice art dude. art on.

It's a total art-pocalypse


Awwwww. I go out for a bit and I miss out on all the fun. Grrrrr. Lol. It’s ok. I’ll get in on the next one. : )
Congrats to the winners!!!

Sorrrrrry! :(

Sounds like you've been busy and hectic like me. My schedule's bananas! Tonight I slept 8 to midnight and am finishing a project milestone before heading back to sleep ☺

Kinda hard to post, just doing basic stuff this week...

Hi @overkillcoin, I want a red turtle with a black shell. Thanks. :)



@overkillcoin, can I to use this icon on Steemit and Discord? :)

It's yours to use as you wish :D

Would love to have red turtles for me, thanks



I wish you all the best for the project you are working on! I just woke up so good morning😆

Thanks @kawaiipower - fortunately my tasks are manageable, but there's not much time... :) Hope to get that web design done tonight, that's a big burden for me ☺

Hi if you have some time I would like one that is red and gold in however composition you like. Nice of you to do something like that.

Yes you are winner #7. Contest is over! I will make yours later on, thanks!!



  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment