
in art •  7 years ago 

Just wanted to do a quick introduction.
My name is Shaun and i am finally doing something with my art.


I have always been creating pieces but tend to take too long between making my next. Im very much trying to change this up and get the ball rolling. Im self taught mostly... a couple weekend workshops here and there. I've always been into figure/portrait studies and seem to always come back into creating that subject after wondering off.
Been creating art since early on in school and have filled countless sketchbooks for the past 25 years. In my early years i used oil paints but have since moved into hybrid pencil/digital process (i'll explain it more in a future post).

Hopefully you will see a steady stream of creations coming from this blog.

Be sure to follow and let me know what you think

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That picture is incredible, you are very talented. I also created this blog to keep me accountable to doing what I love. I am excited to connect with you and see more of your artwork. You have my upvote and my follow! (If you follow me back that would be wonderful, but either way. I enjoyed seeing your art.) Thank you and have a wonderful rest of your day/night.

Thank you very much Samuel... Keep on posting and ill do the same!!

Of course. Good luck bro! Also, if you ever need somebody to talk too, i am here, just comment on one of my pictures, I don't mind talking on them. I know how easy it is to get discouraged on this website, but its gonna be worth it. Good luck!