EXPERIENCE-ART |"Eyes" By Paul Debebe

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)

^^The above is a thank you video for all the support by the people in this project :D ^^

This was my first official expo about the nature of the self and the connection of it through the eyes. Inspired by the nature of unconscious on my mind i created artwork that represented various aspects of the unconscious self as a concept.


Varnish Eyes


This piece represents our awareness and focus and how most of the time it gets absorbed by pointless areas of exploration. I like painting women, it's like cheating because they are already beautiful by nature, so the art is going to be a success (most of the time ;) )

Half-Sun (Spiritual Vision)


No, it' s not about clockwork orange. I played with yellow and purple because i like them together a lot. The painting represents our inner sight that it becomes active only when we do not see clearly (like in half-light, half-sun). This is symbological and also literal.



This guy has a mark on his forhead inspired by a symbol that means ''Light'' and Fish. Fish have phosphorus inside of them, which in Greek represents the ''light bearing principle''. It was also a symbol in the Bible that comes from a more ancient one, the vesica pisces:






It is the uninon of the female and male aspects of ourselves. People could not understand if it was a boy or a girl, but for me it is a boy, a boy with a lot of anger inside of him.


Master Of Earth


The face of the exhibition, master of earth. A real life yogi who inspired me through this mudra. He is trying to look for himself, behind his eyes, through his eyes.


©2018 Paul Debebe. All rights reserved.

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