Creative Journaling - the good the bad and the fugly.

in art •  8 years ago  (edited)

I love being surrounded by the creatives here on steemit,but seeing perfectly finished pieces day in day out can be both inspirational and disheartening. To someone who enjoys creating art but still fights with often crippling bouts of self-doubt it can make you lose sight of the fact you are still developing your skills.

Art mess isn't limited to the aftermath alone

But the self-doubt demons start whispering and your experiments can start to look like failures. With this in mind, I've decided to keep my experimenting to a warts an all art journal. we can't help but compare our work to the work of others and I'm hoping that including my fugly pages on my blog will help someone with those self-doubt demons.

My Art journal Rules.

  1. Any medium goes,
    and I mean anything from food colouring to oil paints if it makes a mark or builds texture it's good to go in.
  2. No shop bought embellishments when looking for inspiration I read/watched so many blogs and vlogs and it seems like everyone's using them to make quick pretty art.
    Pffft! that's just cheating and hugely expensive! So buttons, ribbons scraps of lace etc are cool but shop brought cutouts, flowers, washi tapes etc are not cool.
  3. Fugly pages can be tweaked / gessoed but they have to sit untouched in the book for at least a week first.
  4. I can only work in my journal for up to 2 hours in a single day.
  5. If I've worked in my art journal I will post the results here the good, the bad and the downright fugly alike.

Let's get the ball rolling with the first entry, where the self-induced time limit caused a fair bit of self-induced panic as the time ticked away I rushed and well just see for yourself what happened.

Rated 9.8 on the fugly scale

I'm looking forward to gessoing over this one.

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I think it looks great!

Thanks gringalicious. there are elements of it I like and may keep when I go back to it.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment