3D Sky Turtle. inspired by Disc World | 3D Żółw inspirowany Światem Dysku

in art •  6 years ago  (edited)



Hi there!
And here is my new 3D design. Inspired by Terry Pratchett's Disc World, which is carried by 4 elephants that are passengers on the shell of the Great Turtle. A'Tuin. Magic idea.
I haven't read all the books, but I highly recommend it to the fans of fantastic adventures in a fun atmosphere. For children and adults at a glance. In particular,** The Free Wee Men, Three Witches, Mort. Brilliant! Uplifting.**
In the first place a sketch ... whatever it may look ...; P and after this 3D modeling.

Cześć i czołem
A tu mój projekt 3D. Zainspirowany Światem Dysku Terrego Pratchetta, który to świat dźwigany jest przez 4 słonie będące pasażerami na skorupie Wielkiego Żółwia. A'Tuin.
Wszystkich książek nie czytałam, ale polecam bardzo gorąco fanom fantastycznych przygód w zabawnym klimacie. Dla dzieci i dla dorosłych w skrócie. W szczególności Wolni Ciut Ludzie, Trzy Wiedźmy, Mort. Genialne! Na duchu podnoszące.
W pierwszej kolejności szkic....jaki by on nie był... ;P
Scena Disc World Żółw PNG.png

quick digital sketch / szybki szkic cyfrowy ;)




wireframe bottom


in the clouds, render

w chmurach, render


and a little witch house in the mountains (Turtle's shell)

i mały domek wiedźmy w górach (skorupa Wielkiego Żółwia)

works are mine
by Planeta Rium
podpis planeta-1.jpg

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This celestial turtle didn't have elephants holding up its discworld? :) I'd normally say I think the front flippers needed to be broader but as it's a celestial turtle I don't think that matters XD Wow that little witch house must be tiny, can't see it in the other images O_O

Good job :)

Oh, thank You! :) You are right, there were 4 elephants on his shell. But I didn't want to do it identically as in Disc World. If this turtle is waving his flippers and using it to propel him, they should be broader. That's right. House is tiny. Look..


Wow that is pretty tiny 😳

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