RE: Hi, I'm Trinity. And I get paid for just a conscious creator! (And you can, too!)

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Hi, I'm Trinity. And I get paid for just a conscious creator! (And you can, too!)

in art •  7 years ago 

Thank you for your commentary! I like your name...."pleiades rising". I have some friends who believe they have incarnated here but that their true "home" is in the Pleiades star-cluster :)

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Thank you for your reply!

Thank you. My name likes you too. :-)

"Home in the Pleiades?" Interesting... I can tell you that several decades ago, I once awoke from a dream in which I was told that if I was ever lost, all I had to do was follow the Pleiades to find my way home... :-)
Maybe your friends would enjoy knowing that.

I was doing a LOT of yoga and meditation in those days. It was the kinda dream that actually felt significant.

I appreciate you and I hope your day is happy! :-)

Wishing you happiness, smiles, sweet dreams and sunshine! :-)