Dear Singles 2018
Now already 2018 is still the age of singles? It is still an age,
Singles does not mean not sold
singles are special in the eyes of God
Singles are free to do aja but free is a positive not a strange.
Singles are fun rarely sad-sad ngapain also sad emang? After all, live once wrote
Singles are awake. What's up? Yes awake from the weird aja * Not all singles too hell *
Singles are special, what's so special? Jodohnya already disiapin Jodohnya disiapin God The Best Alim just perfect, but perfect only belongs to God Yaa Singles are the most powerful and patient, Strong and patient? Strong and patient to face gebetan not sensitive
All Jomblo must read ya Want Singles Ngenes kek Singles Happyness kek Singles High Quality kek Singles Slow kek Singles kekomb kek kek kek kek
Singles do not want to dating singles Singles do not be lifelong singles Jomblo? not there is a life-long jomblo every man is his soul mate each
Believed God And You Get Someone Special
If you can not afford to be salt
That lavishes the food, then at least
Do not be a destructive fly
The food
Trust it, like paper
Once a tangle can be refined again
I do not mention your name anymore
I quit since you picked him
I retreated slowly
Because I'm aware of everything
I've had enough of this feeling
I do not want excessive love anymore
Maybe it's just where you're happy
Maybe it's because he you easily let me go
I've tried to accept everything
I will not hold you back
I stopped calling your name when I was longing
Let me just keep this flavor
Saving her pain lose