The Bears are being installed again... (as we speak) ...!
Some of you may remember that I worked on a bear sculpture last year. I was one of 5 artists who created 5 new bear cubs for Evergreen Federal Bank's "Bear Fest". I designed this bear, another artist carved him, and then I did all the finishing sculpting detail & painting.
I got a text message from my husband yesterday. He let me know that my bear had just been installed downtown (Grants Pass), in front of the kitchen store. He just happened to be driving by while they were finishing the install.
Anyway, since I hadn't seen, or gone to visit my bear at the Bear Hotel since it had been on display last Fall, I decided we should go see it in it's new spot! So, we did!
Here he is in his new location, where he will be throughout this summer until Labor Day or so:
I really love this photo (above). It looks sort of retro - with the Kitchen store behind it - something about the architecture of the building, I think. I am going to play around with this image and make it B&W with just the bear in color.
Here are some more photos of it with Me, & my family:
I have already had several friends contact me and tell me that they have seen my bear downtown. I'm guessing I'll be getting lots of feedback this summer about my bear. Last year he was located such that many people didn't see him, unless they actually went to the restaurant where he was located. It will be interesting this summer as he is in the heart of downtown now. So cool!
Here are the posts from last year when I was creating this bear as well as some other posts about the bears of Grants Pass:
- Sketch Progression
- Progress on Sculpture
- Update on Bear Sculpture
- Of Bear Sculptures & Beets
- Bear Sculpture Detail Progress
- Short Update on Bear Sculpture
- My First Friday Art Walk Exhibit with Bear Sculpture
- I Finished the Painting of the Bear Sculpture!
- Announcing Five New Bear Sculptures for Grants Pass
- The Bears Have Returned to Grants Pass!
- Finished Creating My Coloring Book (Coloring Book about the New Bear Cubs)