“Solace Majestic” 48x48 in acrylic on wood not computer generated

in art •  7 years ago 


This piece is based upon overlapping two “visual octaves”, where ROYGBIV is expressed as the sequence 24, 12, 8, 6, 4.8, 4, 3.4 and also as the sequence 12, 6, 4, 3, 2.4, 2, 1.68

I mix my own formula of paint, and in order to achieve the raised dimensional dots i use a special two-part polymer thickener.

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Great work! Love the dimension and perfect execution! Stunning for a handmade piece. Thank you for sharing with us.

Thanks very much! This piece took about a year from start to completion. Simply figuring out the drawing and doing the color study took several months, and then it took about 8 months to complete the process of painting.


This is the color study for the painting; i used colored pencils to create a “color map” that i could refer back to as i worked on the painting, because it is easy to “lose your place” re: which color goes where.