Digital Art: The Chaos and the Calm #1

in art •  7 years ago 

The Chaos and the Calm is a digital art series that explores the place of the individual in the modern world. I have used Photoshop to superimpose real world images with photography of my own to produce artworks that highlight the ever changing narratives around us. Themes include politics, war, sustainability, and identity.

Assassination (below) was inspired by the assassination of the Russian amabassador to Turkey on 19 December 2016.


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I like haw you interpret the theme and I think you could print out and use more materials to make it more organic :)

Thanks! I'll try to incorporate that into my next pieces :)

yeah well...its photoshop ;) i do use it, as well, but only up to a point :) thx fro visiting my blog. cheers!