"Old Kid (Notebook Drawing)" by Richard F. Yates

in art •  6 years ago 

[December 2018 - Ink on paper with digital embellishments and color.]

This is one of my final drawings in this big, old, heavy notebook, which I started back in April (2018.) Took me almost 9 months to fill it!!!

My notebooks are a conglomeration of drawings, to-do lists, stories, "tape-ins" (like postcards and notes written on the back of receipts and travel brochures and so on), as well as your standard journal-style ramblings.

I've kept a diary / journal since I was 7 or 8 years old (the better part of four decades,) and I now have several banker-boxes full of these books. Going back to old notebooks and reading through them can be a real adventure! (Especially since I have a poor memory. It's funny how many things I've lived through that I don't remember doing! Brain damage!!!)

So, with my most recent book full, it's time to start a new one! I have a whole wall of books to choose from because people give me new notebooks all the time. I pack a journal with me everywhere I go, so I can write notes to myself, do a little drawing, write a draft of a story or poem, or smack any hornets that are buzzing around---and at some point people started giving me notebooks as gifts. Haven't had to BUY one in years!

Thanks for stopping by! And take my advice: keep a journal. They can be very therapeutic, and an excellent weapon against the horrific hornet hordes! See ya!!!

---Richard F. Yates

Posted using Partiko Android

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