in art •  7 years ago 



Have you ever had a feeling or sensation you fail to find a word for?
Has this feeling or emotion appeared more than once?
When it reappears, you recognise it,
but can´t to find the word for it.
While feeling this again I traced a shape,
made up a kind of word I had sealed my meaning in.
I have an image of a word for my feeling, even if I can´t pronounce it.


¿Has sentido algo alguna vez que no tiene palabra exacta que se le ajuste para describirla? ¿Esa emoción o sensación se ha repetido en más de una ocasión? Cuando lo vuelves a sentir, lo reconoces pero no lo sabes explicar.
Mientras sentía lo que no podía describir, tracé una especie de palabra ilegible, en la que imprimí ese significado. No la sé pronunciar, pero ya tengo su imagen, y esa imagen describe mi emoción.


THE WORD.Ibiza 2012.
200x39cm. Acrílico sobre madera.

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Wow, that is really beautiful. I love the color palette and the flowing forms!

Thank you Lirfael! I´m glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you for that. :)

Thank you Ralph!

This one is really amazing to me. I like the size of it too... it's big! Thanks for sharing

Thank you Senorcoconut! This is one of the larger ones, I usually work smaller.

You're welcome.