An unfinished, abandoned and mysterious house in a dense thicket.\ Original Abstraction.

in art •  7 years ago 

An unfinished, abandoned and mysterious house in a dense thicket.

Недостроенный таинственный дом в дремучей чащобе.

He hoped to hear the laughter and the hubbub of the children, the eternal complaints of the old people, the music of the weddings and the gossip of the cooks, but only the birds tweet in the empty eye sockets of the windows and the hedgehogs creep in between the rotten logs but he too is happy with them, they also know how to love ...

Он надеялся услышать смех и гомон детей, вечные жалобы стариков и музыку свадеб и пересуды сплетниц, но только птицы чирикают в пустых глазницах окон и ежики ползают между прогнивших балок , но он и им рад, они тоже умеют любить...


2018 \ 01

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Author @RomanSkv

Russia Rybinsk

Published for the first time.

Публикуется впервые.

Peace all.

Всем мира.

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hey i really liked your art work keep it koming !!!

Thank you.

Hey:) is it oil paint? If not I highly recommend and encourage ;P Kidding a little. I like it. Peace.

Is it oil paint) Thank you) Peace.)