Commedia, Dante & Gustave Doré Part 2 Purgatorio

in art •  8 years ago  (edited)

Following my first post about Dante and Doré, here is part II. A little late i know...sorry!!





Four small illustrations on a single page.

And here you can see them closer...




E il mio maestro: -Voi potete andarne,
E ritrarre a color che vi mandaro,
che il corpo di costui è vera carne.

     PURGATORIO, Canto V, Terzina 11


Lo 'mperador del doloroso regno
da mezzo il petto uscia fuor della ghiaccia
. . . . . . . . . .

     INFERNO, Canto XXXIV, Terzina 10


Chi è quel grande che non par che curi
Lo 'ncendio, e giace dispettoso e torto,
Sì che la pioggia non par che 'l marturi?

    INFERNO, Canto XIV, Terzina 16


. . . . Virgilio si trafse a lei, pregando
Che ne mostrafse la miglior salita;
. . . . . . . . . .

   PURGATORIO, Canto VI, Terzina 23

Close up:


. . . I' son Manfredi,
Nipote di Gostanza imperadrice
. . . . . . . . . .

   PURGATORIO, Canto III, Terzina 38



Dicendo -Frati miei, Dio vi dea pace -
Noi ci volgemmo sùbito; e Virgilio
Rendé lui 'l cenno, che a ciò si conface.

   PURGATORIO, Canto XXI, Terzina 5


E una spada nuda avea in mano,
Che riflettea i raggi sì ver’ noi,
Ch’io dirizzava spesso il viso in vano.

   PURGATORIO, Canto IX, Terzina 28



The illustrations are just amazing. Couldn't help but get some close ups.




End of the second book PURGATORIO

Little extra from the the third and final book PARADISO


Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this small incursion into the second book of a beautiful universe created by Dante and Gustave Doré. Stay tuned for the next part and final part and don't forget to follow me .

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I've never scrolled as much as I just did :P

Ahahhaahha there is always a first. At least i hope you enjoyed the illustrations!

There ain't italian who doesn't talk about Dante and its Divine Comedy :D

Ahaahahahhahh what can i say ?! Guilty !

No really, My bf/fiance/companion, call him whatever you want, is italian and first thing to talk about was Dante hahahahahahaha. Luckily, I studied the author in high school so I had smth to say

cool post!

Thank you :)

Great illustrations! Wasn't Dante known for depictions of hell too? That should be interesting to see as well!

The first book is covered in Part 1 . Enjoy :)

Great post, I'm italian too :)
Maybe too many super-heavy pictures for a regular italian internet connection :D

Sono italiano anche io, bel post!

Grazie :)

Yeah i know internet sucks here :(