The government of Pakistan authorized the HEC (Higher Education commiss to design new syllabi for B.Sc. The HEC entirely changed in the syllabi of Botany Zoology and Chemistry Opinion does not differ on the point that it is a marvelous effort. These syliabi provide to new out look to the students. But this innovation brings with it a new problem. The students have to face the chronic problem of insufficient and improper literature. Most of the books recommended in the syllabi are not available in Pakistan. If available, they are beyond the perception of our students. Some of the local books are available but they are direct copy of these foreign books and are of no use for our students. It created a wide space for concise. precise and most objective books Master Success Text book of Botany is one of the efforts. This series composed four books for all the papers. Paper D has already in market It has eamed invaluable repute and enforced us to complete the series as early as possible. This book includes Plant Morphology. It has following important features The book is written strictly in accordance with the syllabus of Higher Education Commission (For all other university) 2. The book is written to the point. Irrelevant material is avoided. 3 The topics are expressed in really simple language. 4. Well illustrated diagrams are given We do hope that this effort will bear fruit. We hope that this effort will be wel taken by teachers and student. We encourage criticism. Please don hesitate to Prof. Iftikhar Ahmad Khan Prof. Riaz-ul-Haq Ramay write us, email us or ring us if you feel any difficulty in this book April, 2006 Phone: 0300-6366320 E-mail: [email protected]
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