Exhibition SKIN DEEP by Tiana Maros | Vienna

in art •  5 years ago 

Dear Steemians,

you know how careful I am to observe how and in what form someone is networked. Yesterday I visited Tiana Maros' exhibition Skin Deep. An artist who was trained in Hollywood and then settles down here:

Vienna is really lucky to have such an artistic jewel in the city.

This shall not be a praise like on my other channels (I know Tiana since 5 years) or a personal languishing how great I find her. I would like to use these short paragraphs to set small stimuli regarding conservative structures and how they keep us from making our dreams come true. And women really have it hard enough to get their own thing done. This is not an official sciencevienna post therefore no palnet hashtag

Tiana Maros has not only given her feelings but especially her freedom to the best yesterday.

She is well aware of how others who have to do a 9 to 5 job live their lives. Every freelancer and entrepreneur will now listen attentively. And you can now all exhale the air again because you do not get the secret formula of success today from me ;)

Apart from all the artist's hustle and bustle I would like to touch a short scene, which I think is more important than we think.

A little girl approached Tiana with her tablet and asked her opinion. And Tiana's first answer was prompt before any exchange took place: "Du kannst mich dutzen".

I also don't want to go into her answers and the successful conversation about how a great female artist inspires a little girl, but rather draw attention to the fact that there are people who are emotionally intelligent and know how sensitive you have to be to understand the effects of framing at all. The creation of atmosphere and who takes which role in the whole setting.

I like to watch people from time to time to train myself in what kind of framing is going on. Maybe that's why I'm verbally quick-witted (as someone once told me).

So often we get to hear of emotional intelligence and 'EQ' is in everyone's mouth without artists who practice it to the highest degree to really appreciate. All too often I have experienced in Vienna that one rests on old conservative structures and that the new, which is emotionally much more valuable, has no room because it could bring about changes or risks.

Let me tell you this: we have nothing to lose in this city, which is afflicted by braindrain and many unfulfilled dreams, we should take certain risks as long as we have the possibilities to have artists like Tiana in the city to inspire us how to accomplish a successful awakening out of our dreams and how to transform those dreams into our realities.

That is the really big treasure we possess here.

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Hey, I was there too! !
Photo by Peter Gric:


Lovely 😍

Posted using Partiko Android

Woah looks like a really nice art show :)

She wants to have pages in the history and psychology books that's why she invited a historian of science. 😂 nice to have you back my artistic goddess 😘

Posted using Partiko Android

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Hello @sciencevienna, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!