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Yeah, the background is engrossing. Interesting the other comment asks "all angels?"

Not in this one, but I wanted to post a photo of a collage I made with all angel images...It was a mockup for a wallpaper collage I was going to install in a client's house. I couldn't find that photo so I posted this one instead.

I also like the title. Fave from my "reference" section, especially as M.P.H. is my brother. 🎩

Well clearly @sexdeathrebirth is a beautiful woman. Instantly most would notice that. This photo is just fun to look at because their is so much going on in the background. :)

Thanks for sharing. Your wall art is very interesting. All angels?

wait... I think i see some dieties too. :)

Yeah! Its a mix of deities from various cultures. :)

Thank you... its interesting that you asked if its all angels... in this one its not, but I was looking for a photo of a collage I made with all images of angels that I wanted to post instead. I'll keep looking for it. 😇

great one :) i love it

hola buenas noches que buen post,te sigo y tienes mi voto