I Need Your Help Choosing My Best Painting! [Win 2SBD]

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)

Dear friends and followers,

after reading yesterday's announcement by @roelandp regarding the upcoming art exhibition at Steemfest2, I need your help to decide, which artwork I should submit.

As I've done quite a few, I want to make sure that I choose the one, that you like most. In this post I will share some of my favorite older works with you. I probably will make another post with my favorite drawings and one with my more recent works.

Please comment with the number of your favorite artwork below!

As a small "thank you" for participation, I will pick three random winners from the comments, that will receive 2 SBDs each.

So here are my early works:




Captain Sensible.jpg


















That's it!

Do you have a favorite? Then please comment including the number!

You can also choose more than one, if you can't decide...

Thanks in advance for your help!


Edit: Voting is closed now - Winners of the giveaway will be announced soon!

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Somehow I find myself in most of your paintings. What unexplainable joy!
Then, how to choose one? It hurts! (think you know what I'm saying)
I have this 'problem' too and I understand you perfectly.
you can't go wrong anyway!
Scroll up and down again and again...
#13 - because somehow has a bit of every others (just my subjective opinion)

Thanks a lot for your comment. I can hardly think of a more beautiful compliment, than that you feel mirrored in my artworks :-)) In my opinion, art should rather reflect what's in the viewers mind, than telling what the artist is up to and I'm very happy, that it worked.

All the more, I appreciate that you made a choice and gave me such a nice feedback. Have a great day!

i think number 12 is awesome!

Thanks for letting me know.

Wow Jörn, it is impossible to pick one. So many great pieces. I narrowed it down to two favorites, and then asked my wife to look. We both picked 6 & 9, but 6 was my first choice, 9 was my second. She picked 9 first, then 6.

All I can say is wow!!!! Hope you win.

Thanks for the compliments, Alan! I'm very happy, that you and your wife appreciate my works and it's nice to see, that you both picked the same works :-)

I don't think that there will be a winner at the Steemfest art exhibition, but as every artist may only submit one work, I just wanted to make sure to choose the one, that most of the visitors like.

Thanks for your continuous support by sending me boomerangs and greetings to your wife! Have a great sunday evening!

It is actually very interesting to see which one is the winner of the popular vote. Maybe some of the landscape formats are getting a step-motherly treatment because they are smaller. I just realised that I also like #18 quite a lot.

Thanks for the additional vote. Right now it's a tie between two landscape paintings ;-) But you're right about #16 and #18 being a bit smaller than the others. (#18 is discussed quite controversal.) As there are still some new votes coming in, I will keep the voting open just a bit longer.

Ich muss sagen, das war keine einfache Aufgabe, denn Deine Bilder haben alle etwas. Nummer 3 gefällt mir aber schlussendlich am besten.

Vielen Dank für's Mitmachen :-)

Gerne doch! :)

Personally, I like #11 and #23. Would have to go with #11 for my top pick. Great work, though, all around!

Thanks for participating!

OH wow, I love #2 and #23! Its amazing :D

Interesting... these are my choices, too!

Log in 2 + 23 for me!

Thanks @pollux.one - glad you're joining :-)

Thanks a lot for letting me know!

It is a tough choice you are asking :)
I like 2, 6, 9, 19, 23
I will take the 9 as top

Thank you for your help :-)

2,4, 7, and 23 - I think I like 23 because it has that Guernica feel - and because it is so different being white on black - they are ALL fantastic and its hard to choose ONE.

Thanks a lot for your feedback!

That's a nice wall of art, i can see it's a hard choice. I think number 24 stands apart the strongest from this group.

Thanks a lot for helping me out with your feedback!

My favourite is #4 :)

Thank you!

definitely # 6 !! :-)

Thanks a lot :-)

all are awesome but if i had to choose only one that would be 19

Thanks a lot for participating!

I really like #14. It makes me smile. All of your paintings are great! I hope you keep up your explorations.

Thanks for your vote! I'm planning to do a lot more of this stuff :-)

It's a tough call, but number 9 is my preference.

Thanks for telling me!

oh my goodness, how do we choose? They are all awesome! 4, 13 & 23. I think #23 is my favorite. very skilled!

Thanks a lot for your compliment and your choices!

14, 2, 1, 19

Thank you!

Jean-Michel Basquiat didn't live for nothing. I think I prefer #14, with #2, #4, #12, #16 as close runners up.

Thanks @katharsisdrill! It's actually the first time I've heard about a reference to Basquiat. But I take that both as a compliment and as an motivation to look deeper into his works ;-)

Really, that surprise me, but there is a lot of fine painting in his oeuvre. There is also some A. R. Penck in your way of pictorial thinking I believe.

Looking around, I liked this work by Basquiat quite a lot:

Some years ago, I saw a quite impressive work of Penck in Museum Ludwig in Cologne:

It's 12m x 6m with a weight of 500 kg.

I can see some Penck in #3 and #22 and probably #23, too :-)

I really like the works of Penck even though it is very far from the way I work myself.

Thanks for your vote :-)

[email protected] don't know very much about paintings basically the intention behind the art and artist.but really all your's work are awesome,and I like the last two ones most.i think they represents this new world in which we live.

Thanks for your explanation and for choosing two of the works! In my opinion you don't have to know something about art or the artist. It's perfectly ok to just like or dislike it ;-)

Ok my friend of course you know better than me but if we can assume the feel and view of artist about the art I mean what he want to say through his art if we can guess then it will double the charm of art.i think so...this is just my personal view and as I said I don't know nothing about paintings but I loved allllll yours works..God bless you and all the very best for your competition.You are already my winner

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your reply! Maybe you're right, but in my opinion art is art, because it doesn't need any explanations. It speaks for itself ;-) Otherwise it would be just an illustration for an idea that is expressed by words. I appreciate your kind words, though ;-)

Yes I agree my friend art speaks itself and I am just trying to listen that..It costs nothing.. but it is just in my nature..and I am quite different as many says,and don't say thank you to me,we should thank you for such a wonderful artists we have with us on steemit.from now I will try to follow and check out yours each pic post.thankyou for your replies my friend.


I do like them all but I am going to say that 24 really stands out to me. To me this work combines action and gesture with balance and consideration.

Thank you for your vote and the explanation! Appreciated ;-)

I liked 8 and 13 best but I liked all your work really keep it up

Thank you, will do ;-)

#2 #14 #23
Also #18 has me cracking up so hard. Is that a 3butthole monster?

Lol, "kind of" - depending what's on your mind ;-)
Thanks for your vote!


Number 14.

First time saw this kind of contest / giveaway 😉

Thank you! Everybody is free to do a giveaway like that. It's fun and win-win :-)

I vote for #23

Thanks a lot for your vote :-)

good job! i choose picture 6! keep on painting!

Thanks, will do ;-)

5 with 6 being a close second.

Thanks for telling me!

I love the 23 because it is influenced by mandala art.

Thanks for taking part ;-)

you really can't go wrong, but i'll say 2 and 13, great stuff

Thank you for your feedback!

I really liked the picture at number 17. (all the pictures are gorgeous and unusual)

Thanks a lot for your feedback and vote :-)

Hoffentlich noch nicht zu spät- Resteemed :-)

Vielen Dank! Das Voten ist noch möglich, da es zur Zeit einen Gleichstand gibt. Mal abwarten, ob es noch einen eindeutigen Sieger geben wird. Jedenfalls ist dein Resteem immer sehr willkommen :-) Hab einen tollen Wochenstart!

Super. Ich wünsche dir auch eine schöne Woche :-)

Whow, sehr ausdrucksstarke Bilder! Auch wenn die Wahl sehr schwer fällt - ich entscheide mich für die # 6.

Kann man deine Bilder auch kaufen?

Vielen Dank :-) Das ist auf jeden Fall auch eines meiner absoluten Favoriten.

Grundsätzlich kann man die Bilder natürlich auch kaufen. Leider sind sie teilweise in einem schlechteren Zustand, als es auf den Fotos aussieht.

Bei konkretem Interesse kannst du mich natürlich gerne im Chat anschreiben und ich könnte dir dann eine genaue Zustandsbeschreibung samt Detailfotos schicken.

Danke für die Info! Ich melde mich bei dir im Chat.

Gerne, freue mich darauf :-)

I subjectively go for "12" - speaks the most to me. I prefer the strong color in it. Also that I cannot really recognize what it shows, only a human being in motion.

Though I like the other works, too, that one made it.

Have fun at the fest! Wish I could go as well.

Thanks for voting and commenting :-)
I surely will have fun at Steemfest! Maybe we meet next year at Steemfest3?!

Ha! Wie ich sehe, sprichst du ja auch Deutsch! :))

Nächstes Jahr: Steht denn schon fest, wo es sein soll? Naja, bis dahin fließt noch viel Wasser die Elbe runter. Wenn es nicht so weit weg ist, ist es ganz sicher eine Fahrt wert.

Ja genau ;-) Der Ort steht noch nicht fest, aber Steemfest ist auf jeden Fall eine Reise wert.


Cool, ich seh' gerade, dass da jemand vielleicht deine Nummer 12 kaufen will, für die ich auch gestimmt habe. Viel Glück, vielleicht wird ja ein Geschäft draus! Ist immer gut, wenn die VR auch ins RL Einzug hält!

'Tschuldige, ich vote jetzt nicht, weil meine Power runter ist. So'n Sch... hab mich gestern schon die Krätze geärgert, aber da muss ich wohl mal n Tag Steempause machen...

Ja, über die Kaufanfrage habe ich mich auch besonders gefreut. Hat leider nicht geklappt, aber trotzdem habe ich im Moment so viele Kaufanfragen, wie schon lange nicht mehr ;-)

Das mit dem Voting ist kein Problem. Solange man keinen Schieberegler hat, kann man ja auch nur 10x pro Tag voten, ohne dass die Votingpower in den Keller geht. Ein netter Kommentar ist mir mindestens genausoviel wert, wie ein Vote :-)

I like #2 the most.
Its simple and complicated as well. While looking at it it kept me thinking and i wanted to look depper at it to see what it expresses.
Thanks J

Thank you, that's a good reason to vote for it :-)

I would go with number 12. Amazing use of colours. Maybe 14 as well. It's kind of interesting to look at.

Thanks, appreciate your votes!

How much can I buy it for?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for asking!
If your talking about #12, I usually would sell a painting like this for about $400. It's Din A2 sized (59,4 x 42cm) and about 25 years old. Unfortunately the work is in poor condition, meaning the paper has some flaws and kinks and the colors are a bit bleached out. If you're still interested, I could send you some closeup photos and I'd give it away for a very special price. Are you on steemit.chat?

Sounds interesting. I am not on steemit.chat, but I am on discord Steemspeak as Arsenal49. Send me a message there and we can talk about it :)

Cool! I will prepare some close-ups and get back to you on steemspeak as soon as possible :-)

each art work is classic and unique with its color theme, its difficult to find one best of the best.

I agree, that's why I asked for help ;-)

Sorry, i can't help you with that. Art is subjective and i like them all :)

Too bad, lol ;-)

This post has received a 12.57 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @roused

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Stunning post 💙💙

Every art appreciate me.

#1 is #1

Thank you for letting me know, but the voting period is already over.