Daily Drawing: Seven Public Domain Superheroines

in art •  4 years ago  (edited)

This is for a comic book that I think I'll finally get around to starting. I'll at least get the cover done and the first dozen pages or so then see if I can get a Kickstarter together for an entire issue. Never Kickstarted anything before, not even for my webcomic Kickman (bad-dum-DUM!)

So, this is my comic idea: Real Superheroines of Steem Valley (or maybe Steem County). A reality TV show where 7 superheroines all live in the same house and become involved in each others petty business. Kind of a mashup of Real Housewives and Big Brother. Decided to use all public domain characters, just changed their costumes up a bit.

![Real Superheroines prev.png]()

From left to right: Moon Girl, Mary Marvel, Fantomah, Shanna the She-Devil, Miss Victory, Miss Fury, and Phantom Girl. I'll post again later once this is inked, colored and rendered.

Comments? Anyone reading this would love to see it completed? Anyone here willing to kick a few buck into a Kickstarter?

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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://mccomics.mattslawblog.com/2020/03/16/daily-drawing-seven-public-domain-superheroines/
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