Freaky tiny animals in the forest ^_^

in art •  7 years ago 

Waiting the right time (cooler time) to sculpt another group of my wooden tiny animals, I have fun to "play" with the older placing them in different scenes ^_^

Yes, sometimes it's great to play like a little child and enjoy simple pleasure like this. Even if it seems just a way to spent time (sure, funny time  it's always important time!), this simple "play" helps me to image scenes that I can represent in paintings or diorama. Imagination is really important to create my artwork and so I have to feed my imagination everytime I can do it.

A couple of months ago I sculpted some of these little freaky animals and I use some of them in wooden diorama with other little things. I'll do the same in the next months, but now I have fun to use my imagination in the forest, breathing a bit of fresh air too ^_^

See ya later and steem on!


silvia beneforti
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Any excuse to get out in the fresh air is a good one. Cute little fellers!

I agree, especially in these hot days. ;) I'm waiting the cooler time to make another freaky creatures and I can't wait ;)

Wow.... Very nice...lovely shot..i like it my friend