1 Late Night Art Piece. Can't Sleep? Create.

in art •  7 years ago 

Halfway between the dreamworld and reality.

Watercolor imagery shattered and put back together again.

The colors of nature.

The meaning of life.

Find some color today and enjoy.


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You have always been one of the best artists

You are the best Bosun :)




If you continue to bring up such great pieces when you don't sleep , I wish you never sleep

Hahaha, dude you're hilarious, seriously consider doing stand up comedy :)

You painted this bro?
This is friggin' awesome! You are one multi-talented fella!
Such a great concept done superbly!
Blessings and smiles
in joy

Ah shit, I wish bro. I'm just a measly digital artist haha

i can relate to this picture. and the colors are perfect.

No u :p

Something so different from you...and I dig it, really dig it. Like everything you do, I feel like you art and imagery is perfect for physical installations (like this one would be a great tile mosaic). Looks like a coral garden

Damn thanks, it's my dream to play live and maybe showcase my art. With all the support I get on here, these dreams may be reality soon :)

That is amazing to hear, will defs come to a show!

This is amazing, @soundwavesphoton! You know how when you just wake up, the world around you slowly regains it's coherence..? Looking at this makes me feel like I'm constantly waking up, but never really get there..!

Waking up... Waking up... Waking up...

Should be it's name ;-)

Thanks man, your mind is truly fractalized in a very pleasant way :-)

Whoa, interesting. A constant state of waking decoherence into coherence haha. My everyday morning :)

That's really pretty cool!

You're way cooler.

Amazing artwork! you are very talented :)