I was going to rant.....but I decided to post a zombie doodle instead.

in art •  7 years ago 

Computer program crashed twice and I lost a bunch of work today so I am a bit crabby at the moment. The doodle probably best reflects my mood currently.

Ever lost anything important from a computer crash ?


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Yes. In fact I got a new (well used but newer) computer because my old version of painter kept crashing as my computer couldn't render the drying time for the level of water colour I was using. I had set it in the brush and liquid amount and drying time I liked and it would render freeze and then shut down. Very annoying.

I love what came out of your frustration though, nice. I mean spooky but also nice :)

I'm staying tuned for the rant!

I've had a few data CDs that snapped, a thumb drive that died, a toasted SSD and a usb hard drive that croaked :-/

I used to make really cool photo collages a long time ago and they're gone forever :(

Well, that fucking sucks dude. Sorry to hear that. I haven't had my PC crash and make me lose anything, but my video editing software has crashed before making me lose 3-4 hours of editing on one of my videos. That made me a pretty god damn sad panda.

Damn homie I can totally relate to that.... really sorry to hear that, worse than a kick in the balls I would say, least then you can throw up and be good.....After having that exact shit happen multiple times on an after effects project I was working on for school, and failing the class cause I had no work to show, I might hit that ctl + S every 10 seconds now hahahaha... bright side...if there can be one, redoing art you can usually do it faster and better... don't punch that monitor just yet

Ergh frustrating DX I think we've all lost things due to computer crashes, it's why I'm a bit obsessive about backups. Doesn't really help with the small recoverable crashes but at least you only have to redo a few hours work rather than a few years? :)


Not a computer crash but a few years back my phone did its own manual reset and I lost all the images of my nephew from when he was born up until about 2-3 months. It sucked. Sorry to hear about your lost work.

but you can easily recover your files

not if u didn't save them while your painting in photoshop.......

Oh that's easy to recover
Just go your system local disk, open the folder with your computer username, open appdata, double click on the Roaming folder, then open the Adobe Photoshop (cs6 of cc) folder, then finally open the auto recover then you have your unsafed files there
Although the file might be hidden so just set your windows explorer to show hidden files.
Good luck

wow now i just want to cut myself..........lol you would not believe how much time and frustration this would have saved haha.... well the more you know right.. Thank you good sir, I tip my hat to you for this.... for real man


No, but I lost in the crypto crash. Mood similar. Keeping most of rant to myself. Appreciate your sentiment.

Haha. I was in a very similar situation at 15 years old. Was doing some WoW fanart too, for that one contest on Deviantart for Heroes of Storm game. I lost one whole day of work, cause apparently it didn't save anything, even though it told me it did. Faulty hardware.