Into the breach once more!

in art •  8 years ago 


So some of you who follow me may remember this picture I showed earlier.


Well I went on to the first rough sketch of the body. I want it to be a close combat type Steempunk soldier hence the shield and some sort of "stun" staff. I envision him as being used to invade other buildings/mechs where it would be very loud with flashes of explosions and smoke that's why all of the head gear also. I like the overall feel for a first rough pass.

breach body.jpg

steemit adventure logo.jpg
Hope you enjoyed and please check out some of my other illustrations!
More soldier
Weekend woman
Steemit Trading card 3
Elven Caster
No Fear

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He looks like he is ready for anything.
He's awesome.

Pretty much what I was going for :) appreciate the feedback.

I agree with @krazykrista

I like it!, you should call it the steamtrooper!

So much talent in this Yunkster..... Seriously you have major talent..

I appreciate that :) and thanks for checking it out again. Also your trading card should be along in next couple days :)

I am sitting here doing the Yunk dance. So freaking Yunked. OMG I just realized I get to show your work off at my family reunion.

Everyone come follow Steemit Adventure!!! I want to read the comic book -- LIKE RiGHT Now!

I support this idea :) maybe one day we will have a steemit comic book!

I stomp my foot and yell -- NOW! Follow Steemit Adventure NOW!!!!!

Ok I surrender , following :-)

Really nice, It shows that you draw your inspiration from wargaming and in particular WH40K. I can totally relate to that.
Is it a digital painting or analog? It looks digital to me, but I am no expert in these things.