Video editing FREE COURSE.. Adobe primier pro

in art •  7 years ago 

Learn the Dynamic Link Video Editing techniques within the Adobe CC Suite for Premiere Pro CC and After Effects CC.


How to create Dynamic Links from within Premiere into After Effects.
Where you will learn:

-->How to organize your files to get the best of Dynamic Links and keep everything in check
-->How does Dynamic Link works in Premiere Pro and After Effects
-->How to create Dynamically Linked After Effects Composition from within Premiere Pro
-->How to Dynamically Import After Effects Compositions from within Premiere Pro
-->How to Replace Sequence Clips with an After Effects Composition
-->How to create Dynamic Links from within After Effects into Premiere Pro.

Where you will learn:

-->How to Create Dynamically Linked Sequences in After Effects
-->How to Import and Dynamically Link Premiere Pro Sequences in After Effects


Limited time offer....!!

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