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I was playing that game some years ago :) My Sunday is a bit boring and the weather is very cold lol

We have two stages of Minecraft addictions in this house, first with my oldest son who is 8 (he was around 3 if not 4 when he started liking it), and now with his younger brother who is 4 😁

Aaah so that's where I sent away winter, to you 😁

I am so happy after a week long we stayed between -32 to - 34 C, today it dropped to -8 C, I'm sorry I sent it to you tho 😂

I guess that could be considered "simple" if one is a really good artist XD It is beautiful though :)

Ahh Minecraft, I was playing that with the kids for a while, and they still play semi-regularly, with mods and onlien and stuff, least they're old enough and modding has come a long way that they can do it themselves now because I got to a stage where I was like I'M NOT DOING THIS ANYMORE because it took ages XD

My computer is occasionally stubborn though so playing multiplayer with them these days is hard work, which is a bit sad on the one hand but less work on the other XP


Ah, what I meant by simple was, you know how so many graffitis are so "busy", this one was just a mother and a child and it's perfect. No need anything else.

I don't play Minecraft on the computer, too stressful for me, but I don't mind playing with them on Xbox or PS 😁

Oh jeez I'd find it stressful on console, but that kind of game I'm used to playing on a keyboard XD
