
in art •  7 years ago 

I would like to sharing my story via the paintings, started on October of 2016…

2016年 10月其中一個星期天,跟好友們意外地去了art jamming(很感謝這天本是好友安排的一個慶生小聚會),還記得大家都懷著緊張又興奮的心情,就像小孩去學興趣班一樣!也對,現在我們變成大人了,也去參加一下興趣班歡樂一下!
One of the Sunday, very grateful that this is a birthday party organized by my dear friends. We went to art jamming! Just likes kid going to an interest class on weekend! Also right, now we become adults, but also to participate in interest classes joy! We’re intense and excited of the class!

We went into the studio, the instructor was welcome and intentions to explain how a few hours to complete a painting. Very carefully listening, although only a simple explanation, I do not know why we are very attentive. Much enjoy of it and I love the surroundings of this art studio!

Suddenly the picture was came out my mind. It was occupied by the Kokia (中文是掃帚草,日語是コキア,英文是kokia)that I saw and visit Tokyo earlier. It was so memorable!
And Friends have everyone's own theme, let’s started!



沒想到一幅小畫面都要心思一下應如何去完成呢。經過了3~4小時大家靜靜地過著,因為大家都太專心喇 (哈哈哈)! 就像考試一樣吧,很用心的畫畫畫。。。
I did not expect a small painting is very hard to complete. After 3 to 4 hours we draw quietly as we are too focused in the painting!


28x40cm ( 11" x16" ), Acrylic painting on Canvas

往後的好幾個月的週未,我們都約好去畫廊 "打等"


This is the picture took in the journey, all of the Kokia.

Address : 東京茨城県國營日立海濱公園

Lovely to sharing my each painting story,
thank you for your viewing!

更多的畫作,或請於點擊 ig : tinyplanet_
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By Kam T.

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Nice and charming

Thank you sweetie! :)

I love the painting 😊
Well done!!

Thanks a lot!☺️