First piano improvisation for steemit

in art •  8 years ago  (edited)

If you have been able to read my latest article about real time music composing (I wrote it only in spanish, my mother tongue) you will now undertand what this kind of music making means for me: music which is not writen anywhere. Music which I create as I play frowing directly from my brain stright into my fingertips. Real music, without make-up, without corrections or editions: As real as life itself!

Please be invited to listen, join and watch my first improvised play made specifically for Steemit a couple of hours ago.

Si has leido mi último articulo sobre composición musical en tiempo real te habrás dado cuenta de lo que significa para mi: música que no está escrita en ningún sitio. Música que creo al tocarla y que fluye directamente de mi cerebro hasta la punta de mis dedos. Música verdadera. Sin maquillajes, ediciones o correciones. Real como la vida misma.
Te invito a escuchar y ver mi primera obra improvisada hecha especificamente para esta plataforma hace apenas unas horas.

I hope, you enjoyed it and please feel free to comment if you like (also if you don`t).

Espero que te haya gustado y que escribas en tus comentarios si te ha gustado (o no).

best Regards / Atentamente
Tito Garcia ( @titin )

Other Previous posts by me/ Algunos artículos anteriores:

I´m Tito Garcia. Pianist and Composer

To know about me, my life and and my prevoius work /
Para concer más sobre mi vida y mi trabajo

My first concert at Carnegie Hall

My last concert in New York /
Mi último concierto en Nueva York

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Thank you for the wonderful music!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank you @donkeypong for listening! Happy to hear from you again!

this was so soothing :)

For me improvising with piano is like medicine for the soul. Thanks @sauravrungta for listening!

The Post has Been Tweeted on the Official @Steemit Twitter Account.

steemit Steemit tweeted @ 26 Sep 2016 - 12:53 UTC

First piano improvisation for @steemit #Music #Piano #Video… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Wow !

Very nice. Thank you!

Thank you @anotherjoe for listening!

Gracias, Maestro.

A ti por escuchar @nelyp!

Well done. When you write, do you typically improvise first to get the melody?

Thank you @tfeldman. Yes, I do. Normally I record myself and then I listen again the improvisation to structure the composition. I would like to explain this process in another post

Yeah this is awesome music. I play piano too but you a lot better piano player than me :p

Thanks @ballinconsxious. I' m sure you play better as you think!

Thank you for this soothing music. It reminds me of a river.

Gracias por esta música relajante ti. Me recuerda a un río,

Thank you @greatdabu for listening! It is difficult to explain what I feel when I improvise music. Each listener get different impressions and the image of river is very suggestive!

Music is a language beyond words :)

Right! It means everything!

Gorgeous @titin !!!

Thanks !!

Lovely music, Tito!

Thank you @arts!

excellent, beautiful post congratulations

Thank you! I' m ready to play!

Eres grande @titin!!!

A por ello @mdcomes!

`Speak to me, for I will forever stay silent' Says the soul. Thank you for the beauty

Beauty is in the nature. We have to find it and create something with its elements. Thank you @linzo for listening

So beautiful!

Me a gustado su improvisación, aunque apreciaría que en otra oportunidad grabara con más volumen o más cerca del micrófono porque en el vídeo se escucha bajo. ¡Buen trabajo!.

Muchas gracias , lo intentaré !