A Day at the Museum D'Orsay -- Traveling Through Paintings #13

in art •  5 years ago  (edited)

Welcome on a tour through one of the most amazing art exhibitions in Paris!

Actually, there are almost too many museums to count there; and if you are fortunate to visit Paris one day you should plan plenty of time for discovering the world of art!

The museum I am inviting you to today is Museé d'Orsay 😊

Museé d'Orsay resides in a very large hall which was originally a train station. Now it is rebuilt into a museum and houses one of the most famous paintings from Van Gogh to Monet and Renoir (just to name a few), but houses also statues and several intriguing art collections.

Come walk with me as we travel through the many paintings 👩‍🌾

We talked for a while longer before he finally asked me if I was also interested to have a painting of myself. Intrigued by his offer I thankfully accepted and so I sat there on the chair and watched as he began to paint...

It is a curious thing to sit in a chair and do nothing. The painter had asked me to sit quietly and comfortably here as he added layers of paint onto his canvas. Of course it is impossible to sit without moving and so I browsed through the room with my eyes and spotted in every corner and on every wall new things as I repeatedly scanned them. The room was crowded, but somehow it did not give me the feeling of being overcrowded. The walls were so richly decorated with paintings and foreign souvenirs that I was not sure about its color - only the two very large windows to the south-west acted like openings to the outside world.

The sun was beginning to take its evening course and emitted a soft and gentle light which gave this place a special kind of atmosphere. I could see that this inspired the artist and he seemed to be content with how the painting progressed. He never told me to sit upright or to change my posture and I think he used my movement to get a better understanding of my being.

I had tried the art of portraying people myself, and I knew that it was a challenge. Yet the painter did not seem to be very tense at all; instead, he had a very loose but determined composure which suited him very well. Often it was minutes before his head peeked up from behind the canvas and this gave me a chance to look at his head more closely as well.

After some more time the painter put back his brushes and stepped back from the painting. He examined his work very carefully, raised one of his eyebrows and stepped one or two steps towards it again only to back off once more. Sometimes he took one of his brushes and added a brush stroke or two and after some more time his face became more relaxed and satisfied.

He beckoned me to have a look and I was glad that I could use my legs again after such a long time of sitting. And there it was; this painting he made of me and I was quite happy how it turned out.


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