The Process of Expanding the Embankment Material

in art •  7 years ago 


In the implementation of road construction activities, there are several stages of the implementation process that must be done first before the implementation of asphalt pitching. Initial stages are carried out in the field is the clearance of land and roadside to be done pavement by using greder tool


After the completion of the implementation is done the stockpiling of material, in the hoarding is done directly the spread of Base B material because the previous road pavement is already solid with proven results of lab tests. Material transported by car dump truck in stack and scattered in accordance with the condition of the road while the car is run, then prnghamparan equity is done by greder tool according to the required thickness by adjusting the size on the tool until the material is evenly distributed, this equity activity is done repeatedly until the thickness is reached before it is compacted using a compack tool.


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