G-Dragon sketch

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)

Calling all BIGBANG fans! This sketch that I started of GD is for you! I’m a little late to the game but I’ve just discovered my love for k-pop and now I can’t stop listening to it! Now I’ve got another thing to bond over with @lonniedi. She’s probably so proud of me. 

G-Dragon (Kwon Ji-yong) has a certain appeal to him that commands attention. Maybe it’s because he’s a Leo and it’s proven that I find them fascinating. He’s been an excellent subject for sketching because of the way he poses in his images. 

I was only planning on messing around with GD’s expressions when I started this. I eventually saw the potential in this drawing and started to think about completing it seriously.

I did use a reference photo for this. I like how he frames his face with his fingers but man do they look wonky. Shading will take this in a better direction. I’m still working out the kinks.

I’m an unapologetic layer slut. I also know the max amount of layers for Procreate. It’s 30. 😐

I’m farther along on this image but it made more sense to stop here. I’ve gotten compliments from @mada and @bryanpolitte about the progress I’ve made so far (in my colored version) so I feel real good! I can’t wait to finish it! It has been haunting my dreams but other projects were higher on my list of things to.

Thanks for checking it out!

Do you listen to k-pop? 🦊

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Ooooh I adore this sketch! The details are so beautiful!!!

Thank you!!! I’m all about the details! :D

Cheer Up!

  • from Clean STEEM activity supporter

I used to be a K-pop fan... the older groups... and GD is love.. hahaha.... Great art, as always... ^^

Thanks! <3

this post is very interesting with a very beautiful art Sweet Dreams

I’m glad you enjoyed it! Have a great night!

Very good your drawing looks great.

Thank you!

Thanks for sharing :-) @vermillionfox I am following. Best of Luck !

Thanks for checking my stuff!

As always, I am really amazed at your drawing. Like that time lapse at the end. Hands are hard to draw, you did a great job there.

Thanks so much for the compliments. I’ll eventually back track and try fixing the fingers. :)

Great work, thanks for sharing your process too!

I’m glad you liked it!

This looks awesome! That would be a fun (and challenging) expression to capture! I like the frame of his hands as well. I'm excited to see how it progresses.

I've listened to bits and pieces of k-pop, but haven't delved in too deeply. My sister usually forwards fun songs onto me when she discovers them. lol

Thanks! I’ve spent a lot of time on it already. The hair has a lot of texture in it now. I’ve just been struggling to find the time to finish it. I was working on it yesterday but ended up playing Magic. 😬

The songs are so catchy!