The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in art •  6 years ago 

Digital art made by @xpilar

fjell tåke 1 A.jpg

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Refertilization Land
Forest destruction is the main cause of the expansion of desert / rock soil.
This is the fault of humans who are always greedy. To feed the growing number of people on this earth, forests are cut down to be used as agricultural land and pastures.
Many of them do not pay attention to its preservation. Gradually this land became infertile and eventually turned into a desert.
After becoming a new desert thought tap to restore its fertility. Luckily there are still some researchers who care and immediately develop a program to restore barren land to become fertile again.
The process of soil fertilization is very dependent on living things that are in the soil. Animals that are very useful for the process of soil enrichment are worms, microbes, and other small animals. They form holes and regulate the exchange of water and air in the ground.
The animals have turned the remains of leaves, twigs, stems, roots, and the remains of animals that have rotted into humus. They breathe and look for food here and there in the ground so that the soil becomes loose
Finally, with simultaneous efforts and helped by increasing public awareness, this program was able to show its success.
The barren land begins to turn green and can be planted again.
people finally realize their mistakes and promise not to repeat the same mistakes.
Thank you @xpilar
Warm regard from Indonesia

thank you @rokhani for your description

nice work

Your always came with a new admirable and exciting digital art work, tho it's time consuming and tedious yet they always unique and interesting when you share the community, indeed your skills are extra ordinary..

Thanks for the great work sharing with us!!


thank you so much @davidad

Where the rock touched the sky

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you @mrme1984 for your description

My life changed.

When you left and said you would not return, the city was wrapped in gray fog

My life was ruined and I lost myself, Without encouragement to walk or breathe

The truth I can no longer, in my life the sun no longer rises, I am not in the mood to continue

Only sadness seized my heart. A gray mist seized me

But one day the sun came out, a long time passed but the joy returned

I touch the warmth of life and I fill my being with hope

In my arid fields, they twisted dreams

And that spiny and hostile mountain that became my life changed

My life changed completely, winter was gone, now I live in the spring of my life.

thanks for the wonderful poem @anasuleidy

Moldobar Towers.

A mysterious place lies north of Greenland, a climatic phenomenon is being studied by scientists from all over the world. Moldobar as it is called for being constituted of "Mud Moulds, is an enclosure where the wind is absorbed by large sand towers and the mist expands irregularly and with foul odor, some studies have shown progress in the origin of this phenomenon, the same has thrown the existence of remains of a witch Indian community that inhabited the place hundreds of years ago, so there is speculation as a main theory a kind of curse that protects this forest of stone.


Las Torres de Moldobar.

Un misterioso lugar se encuentra al norte de Groenlandia, un fenómeno climático está siendo estudiado por cientificos de todo el mundo. Moldobar como es llamada por estar contituida de "Moldes de Barro, es un recinto donde el viento es absorbido por las grandes torres de arena y la neblina se expande de manera irregular y con olor pestilente, algunos estudios han mostrado avances en el origen de este fenómeno, el mismo ha arrojado la existencia de restos de una comunidad indigena bruja que habitaba en el lugar hace cientos de años, por ello se especula como principal teoría una especie de maldición que protege este bosque de piedra.

thank you @jadnven for your description / story

Amazing Sharp Rock Tusks

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I represent another planet where large predator birds live. They make nests on these sharp rocks and carefully guard their territory.

thank you @magnata for your description

Beautiful image, thanks a lot

Welcome :)

As usual you display a good digital image. I like the colors and shapes of your digital images.

It is very nice to paint a picture

Awesome picture.
Thanks sir for sharing.

Posted using Partiko Android

Finding inspiration in Mother Nature is the best, your daily digital art is great Mr. @xpilar.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

thank you so much @lacl

@xpilar, I want to give this picture a Title as, Mountain Towers.

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Wonderful view, I like this good creation.

very impressive digital works

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in the xplilar kingdom isn't it hehe that's looking amazing amazing amazing :D

thank you so much @blazing

The city of shadows a dark place, you can only visit it accompanied by one of its inhabitants, because there are many imminent dangers in it, because evil took hold of it.

thank you @leca for your description

Looking like Hill garden.....

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This is a very nice picture with you knowing

When life is in darkness, the sun comes and heats everything, including these sharp, hard and cold rocks. Great job!

thank you @elider11 for your description

Lots of spiky Himalaya Mountains

Nice light and shadowplay in this art-piece, @xpilar. These spiky rocks would really be hard to climb indeed.

thank you @numpypython for your description

"It's clearing the morning in the jungle" this would be the title that would put your beautiful art. Regards!

Beautiful artwork about rock mountains.

very nice view of beautiful clouds

You're welcome @xpilar

Very beautiful painting of rocks.

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These are some beautiful rocks and a beautiful day with clear skies to admire them, @xpilar! Happy Fork Day!

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Looks like the ancient castles that are being viewed from afar.

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thank you @maxwellmarcusart for your description

In my opinion this is a collection of sharp stones.

thank you @elianaelisma for your description

Wow amazing digital art work

thank you@galleryworld

Nice 3D digital art, your post always the best, interesting picture

Posted using Partiko Android

This image really look admirable

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I always love your photography

This post earned a total payout of 0.013$ and 0.010$ worth of author reward which was liquified using @likwid. To learn more.