The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in art •  5 years ago 

Digital art made by @xpilar

mystisk landskap 1 A.jpg

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Hi Snr, @xpilar

“Once Upon a Time" tell a story of a Hunter man who rescue a strange bird while on his way home from the forest. There is this small village called Ogboniyan, this village is one of the oldest village at that time, there was a hunter called Akinlogun, he was a brave and wise man, he was well known on his profession as a hunter. While he was coming home he saw a strange big been hurt and at the same time cold, he felt pity on this strange big bird Akinlogun think of helping this bird, he gather some fire wood and make a fire, few minutes later, the feather of this strange bird got dried and it fly away.

Akinlogun got really excited this bird could recover back, he depart home from that place, but he forget to get the fire extinguish the fire before he went home. After departing from the place, this extinguish fore lead to bush fire which seriously destroyed uncountable farm land. Hunter (Akinlogun) went to his farm in the morning and he decided to do some farm activities before go for hurting in the forest, when he done with farming work he rested for some hours as he was about to get up from his rest, King guards came around and arrested him.

As they were going on their way to the palace, this bird fly over them without none of the noticed it except this hunter, as they keep going, this Strange big keep following them up, then they get to the palace, king sentenced Akinlogun to ten(10)years jailed, and ordered that his farmland should be sold including his house to be given to those fire destroyed their farm farm, Akinlogun plead to the king including his family begging on his behalf, but king turn his back on them, meaning that their pleading is not accepted.

That how Akinlogun end up jailed, and in the second year, calamity started in the land, the only King son got seriously sick, all the traditional physician in the village tried all their possible best to heal the son ailment but none of their effort is fruitful, few days later, a young lady came to the palace tell the king she could the king son, king laughing at her, he underrate this young lady, but later allow to try her best, King promise her to if she could heal his son, he (King) would divide his properties into two equal part and gave to this young lady, this young made her request, he want someone to be free from jailed, King promised to grant her wish, the young lady mention Akinlogun (hunter), King command the guards to bring Akinlogun out of the jail, less than an hour after this young lady went to perform her power, King son got healed and walk out of the room which he laid for about five months, King felt so excited, he (King) fulfil his promised by divide his properties and gave to the young lady and Akinlogun (the hunter) was set free. This young lady welcome Akinlogun (Hunter) to one of the house given to her in the town by the King, this lady handed over all the properties to Akinlogun (Hunter), Akinlogun was wothering what was going on, this young lady took an excuse to ease herself, when this young lady took long, Akinlogun (hunter) decided to check her up, what Akinlogun found at the backyard is this same strange big bird help the other time which lead him to jailed, this strange bird fly away immediately he saw Akinlogun.

This hunter man busted to tears, he understand that it was this strange big bird he help that transform into a young lady to help him out of the jailed. Akinlogun (hunter) became a very rich man after his bad experienced. We never know the good deeds will reward us.

Thanks for share with us, your great art design.

thanks for your great story @davidad

You are welcome!!!! Snr. @xpilar

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Great art work here today, I really like the sky

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All-knowing eye Emperor

A very dictatorial power controlled from a very high mountain peak. There was a king named Balvex. He has a powerful stick that can become a link between him and everyone. He has ordered all officials to plant chips in each of their people. The mode they use is a free health check to prevent a deadly virus. None of the people refused. At that time everyone was injected in the left chest. According to them this is to be effective to prevent the virus. Apparently this injector is implanting a chip in the body.
because the chip is the king of Balvex can find out what happened to the people. If there is someone who will oppose his policies then he already knows before people fight. Balvex will call and say what is in the minds of his people. And people understand that this cruel king knows everything. If anyone wants to fight he will use his stick. Once he presses the button on the stick the person will hold the left chest where the chip was first injected. So the people's obedience he holds fully. Whatever his will will always be fulfilled until he acts arbitrarily.
When no one dared to fight, suddenly there was a young man who really wanted to rebel. he traveled to the forest and tried to find out why all the people who were fighting would be in pain. At that time he was looking for wild animals, suddenly he was attacked by a bear. His left chest was scratched by a bear. but he had time to fight and managed to drive the bear away. From the wound on the left chest, he interspersed a foreign object with a chip that had been planted.
then he thought that all chest pain was the result of the king having implanted chips there.
he told some friends to try to tear the chest with a knife and pick up the chips. and right when the wound is open, the chip can be removed. Youth and ten friends immediately attacked the palace. When the king was about to punish him by pressing the button on the stick it was not affected because the chip had been removed. Finally he asked everyone to pull the chip on the left chest and fight. The king of Balvex can finally be defeated and rented in a battle.
Thank you @xpilar
warm regard from Indonesia

thanks for your story @rokhani

wow this is another beautiful Haven I look at the blue skies and the orange Skies and this amazing art reminds me of two great Seasons it could be autumn and summer and the image is a great depiction of mental awareness a show of beautiful Talent.
It seemed as if this building existed in two places but in different conditions I mean there is so much meaning and metaphor to this amazing art, it obviously looks like the one you did yesterday but this one is like something that tells a double story it is really beautiful and I think your mental awareness is telling a lovely story I can't stop thinking about the cloud and how different they look and the kind of Beauty that they convey both psychologically and physically. This is very beautiful my friend well done and thanks for taking time to dazzle us with this beauty of yours.
It also speaks of ancient beauty as of before and my goodness it's amazing.

thanks for your nice description @josediccus

Between two tones!

Between two tones I can look at your love I can feel your warmth because you are always with me because you always accompany me I am with you in good times and in bad times you are like the best thing that has happened to me You are the princess who is next to me at the top of the mountain of the blue and orange sky

thanks for your nice description @michelduartes

Beautiful picture @xpilar

Here is the shadow of the cliffs
And kneeling down your
Good day is tired,
They settle in the gorges of the shadows.
And the day goes to sleep
This evening weaves lace
To get up in the morning with fog
And the night comes right!

thanks for your nice description @serkagan

Hello @xpilar, your digital image looks like a house that has been abandoned by its owner for a long time. and your digital image is very good if it is made into a story. allow me to give a story. One day there were some people, they planned to vacation in the deepening area on the mountain. yes they want a different atmosphere. they have prepared everything. from food, backpacks, clothing, and tools to camp.

when they arrived at their destination, they were very happy. because the natural scenery is very beautiful. they take a walk in the local area to see the scenery. and when the evening almost arrived, they found a very large house and it was very beautiful. they approached the house and examined it. it turns out that the house does not have residents anymore.

they were very happy because they had a more decent place to live. at first they planned to make a campsite, but because they found a house they chose to settle in the house. at the door of the house inscribed if you want to settle down, love this house. the condition in the house is very dirty. but they don't want to clean it. they only cleaned the bedroom and bathroom. only the room they need.

they also made a scene in the house. turn on the music with a big voice, and get drunk. the first night they settled, everything went well. they slept very well. and when the second night, they could not sleep. because they heard a lot of strange sounds. they are disturbed and they don't know who has disturbed them.

It turned out that the one who was bothering them was a long-dead homeowner. he is angry if someone else stays in his house but does not want to love his house. even though as much as life lived, the owner of the house really loved his house. he always cleans his house with all his heart.

for 3 consecutive nights they are always disturbed. they are very scared. and they gathered to have a discussion. finally they realized that they were guilty of not wanting to clean the house. they just want to stay free without loving the house. and they finally cleaned the whole room, and they were not disturbed anymore. after the incident their vacation was very pleasant. this is just a story of the digital image you are displaying.

from the story above, shows that someone must respect the help of others.

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thanks for your great story @aulia1993

The Return of the Emperor.

Strong wind currents and a bloody sky warn of the arrival of something evil from hostile territory, birds succumb before the mighty that emerges from the ground, waters burn and the earth rises in giant whirlwinds. Great pyramids are formed with the arrival of the earth storm. It was the forbidden city, favourite place of Emperor Xpilar.

El Regreso Del Emperador.

Fuertes corrientes de viento y un ensangrentado cielo advierten la llegada de algo maligno desde un territorio hostil, las aves sucumben antes el poderoso que emerge desde los suelos, arden las aguas y la tierra se levanta en torbellinos gigantes. Grandes pirámides van formándose con la llegada de la tormenta de tierras. Era la ciudad prohibida, lugar predilecto del emperador Xpilar.

hehe, thank you @jadnven

Wow, so cool ...

A very beautiful sight when a blend of colors is perfected in the atmosphere and reaches our vision on earth.

Maybe some colors with short waves like blue and purple aren't really visible to our eyes.

The colors form beautiful color gradations, depending on the conditions of the Earth's atmosphere or the weather. And you really understand all that.

And that, obviously in accordance with your great work, Xpilar.

Always admire your great work, @xpilar.

Thanks for sharing, Sir.

thanks for your description @black-horse

Sorcerer's apprentice.

A long time ago in a distant place lived a boy who had gifts for sorcery, because of his beliefs and upbringing he did not accept this destiny.
But his powers were natural and very impressive, towards things that other sorcerers wanted and could not, his power was so great.
One day his people fell into a curse of darkness so great and severe, the inhabitants and their family encouraged him to help them, his people and his people needed him.
Several sorcerers and knights of the city met, and went to the castle of the dark sorcerer.

They were many days on the road but at last they arrived...

The castle was horrible, dark, gloomy, the sun never came, there was fog and the evil felt.
The boy was very scared, but the other sorcerers told him what to do, explained that his powers came from his grandfather who was the great wizard of Oz, a sorcerer of white magic willing to help others, always seeking the good of all .
The boy was happy to help and together they tore down the invisible wall that did not allow the light to reach the castle and automatically the curse of the people disappeared and the town was filled with light.

thanks for your story @jdbs

I love your digital art, it's a dark work, but in the distance you can see that the sun will come out and everything will change.

Your image makes me imagine the cold of an approaching storm, to water the fields. It makes me think about the night that arrives turning everything dark to be able to rest and recharge energies.

thanks for your description @teresah

The towering hills are eroded by nature. Stay beautiful and interesting forms. The sky in yellow, blue and black is a silent witness to the beauty of this nature.

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thanks for your description @p3d1

very nice digital-art great work my dear friend @xpilar !

Nature with the atmosphere of the morning or evening. Beautiful natural scenery that fascinates. The steep hills witness the charm of the universe.

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thanks for your description @ngieng

Excellent art and very nice picture.
Thanks for share...

This picture is defining the Stone Age very well, it is a very wonderfully pic

A very good work of art, very beautiful

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@xpilar, I want to give this picture a Title as, Painted Sky.

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Beautiful sunlight behind the rock.

Congratulations @xpilar!
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  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

ধন্যবাদ @sujonkhansr

A very good piece of art. It looks so beautiful

Sea-side groups of temple nice digital work.

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Beautiful picture, look like castles located on top of mountains of stones, the sky and the sun give a very romantic effect. greetings @xpilar!

Nice shadow and sun light setting making the realness more beautiful

Good day, the castle of terror, that mixture in the sky gives the impression that today something tenebrous will happen, to be prepared because it will be a long and exciting

thanks for your description @leca

Hello @xpilar
Amazing digital art my friend..
Look at the sky it is divides in to three colors yellow black and blue.
which is makes this art amazing. The rocks are looks awesome in this art... Have a nice weekends my friend..
Amazing art..

Good work, you could create a good story but my phone does not allow me to write more than 150 characters.

thank you, i understand it makes it difficult for you @adeljose

My life is dark. (Poem)

In the darkness I was lost and lost.
I felt loneliness, emptiness and absence.
My life was simple, dark and boring.
But I found you, you arrived and everything changed.
Now I want my life with you.
I need to color it, let the sun come out.
I want a sunrise and a sunset with your scent.
Feeling that the world changes and for a day my emptiness is over.
I want to leave darkness, emptiness and loneliness.

thanks for your poem @anasuleidy

It's digital?
Looks like a photo.
Great job.

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thank you so much @bitinvdig0

It's beautiful, it looks like a building, the sky and sun give a very good effect. Thank you I really like it

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  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

This work of yours is very romantic and suggestive, it could well be a scenario of some American lands, in my humble opinion

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thanks for your description @mad-runner

excellent view The beautiful sunshine behind the rock gives a view of this passion.

Beautiful rock mountain.
Like art work @xpilar

Beautifowl rock mountain.
Like art work @xpilar

I am a bot. I detect owl related puns.